“I didn’t ask him about it. I found out in the middle of the shoot and had to finish out the day. He came to my room after to talk to me, but, well, I basically shut him down and came into my bedroom and closed the door. I’m pretty sure he left. Or he’s out on the sofa. I don’t even know.” I climb back into bed and lean my back against the headboard.

Guilt clashes with fury knowing I didn’t give him a chance to say anything. What could he possibly have said that would’ve made it okay? Nothing.

“Okay. First, I don’t think he was trying to deceive you or undermine you.” She takes a breath. “His dad gave him that Superman necklace and he’s trying to figure out how to be a hero. Heroes don’t do what they do because they want recognition. They wear a mask because they want to do good things anonymously. I think hedoesbelieve in you,andI think he wanted to be your secret hero and make your biggest dream come true. He cares about you.”

“That’snothis place.Iearn my way. I would’ve gotten Gucci on my own.” My chest burns.

“I know you would have. And, no, it’s not his place. But, he’s a guy. You and I both know that guys don’t always think things through. I think he saw an opportunity and took it. And I doubt he thought any further beyond that. Besides, Gucci wouldn’t have hired you because he told them to. He doesn’t have that kind of pull. Your work speaks for itself, that’s why they hired you, because you’re exceptional at what you do.”

I look up at the ceiling, my neck tight, and blow a huge puff of air out through my mouth. Thoughts and emotions tangle and swirl, a raging twister fuming inside.

“You two need to talk to each other and clear the air. I know you want to be mad and that’s okay. What he did was shitty, but I think it was well-meaning shitty.” She’s silent, and so am I. “Do you think maybe you’re scared of what you’re feeling for him? And maybe that’s really what has you wanting to push him away?” she asks with that sweet tone of knowing she’s right.

“Ugh. Do you have to be so logical and call me on my bullshit?” I tease.

“That’s what I’m here for.” She lovingly reminds me.

“Okay, I’ll listen to what he has to say.”

“Good.” She pauses. “I’m also happy to know your feelings for him are growing.”

I sigh and scooch my body back under the covers, wrestling with the deception gnawing at me and the yearning for him compounding. “He reminds me so much of Dom. It scares me. And then, in other ways, he’s so different. Different in ways that I like. And that scares me.”

“It’s okay to be scared. After Dom, you never thought you’d feel something similar for another man. And now that you are, itisscary. But scary doesn’t mean wrong or bad.” She takes a breath. “What’s in your heart?” Her voice is soft.

That’s a loaded question. A question I’m not sure I know the answer to. A question I’m afraid to answer.

“Right now, my heart’s all mixed up. When I’m with him, he makes me feel alive, desired. The intensity of our conversations is, I don’t know, it’s intoxicating. He’s this totally hot, masculine guy and he’s also not afraid to show his emotions. The energy between us is…fucking wild, Des. It’s so powerful. And passion, holy shit. I’ve never been with someone so sensual and in tune with my body. It’s like he took lessons or something.” I rub my palm into my forehead. A flash of tingles shoots between my legs.

We both chuckle and my heart lightens. I needed this. She’s my level head, my rock.

“Wow. Well, that’s certainly promising.”

A yawn reminds me how tired I am and that I need to get some sleep. “Thank you for talking with me.”

“Any time. Get some rest.Enjoyyourself tomorrow. You’re shooting for fucking Gucci!” she shouts with joy.

“Eeeee!” bursts out of me.

She’s reignited my excitement from when I first got the call from Gucci. I’m myself again and ready to tackle tomorrow.

“And talk to Enzo. Give him a chance to explain himself.”

“I will. I love you. Good night.”


Destiny always makes me feel better. Iammad and hurt. But I should at least hear him out.

Excitement fueling me again, I arrive at the shoot site early. I’m tired as shit, but looking forward to the day ahead.

When Enzo and the female models arrive, they go straight to makeup. I head over to join them.

“Good morning, everyone.” I take one look at Enzo.Oof.“Helena, do you have some depuffing patches for under Enzo’s eyes?”

“Yes,” she says. “I have something for the dark circles too. Sit for me?” She finds her eye patches, opens them, and starts applying them under Enzo’s eyes. “Look up for me?”

When he does, he looks up at me. “I didn’t get much sleep last night.” A sheepish smile forms on his face, tugging at me.