I knew I shouldn’t have let myself get involved with him. It was foolish of me. Careless. Especially knowing he’s in the industry. I got so wrapped up. Wrapped up in feeling. For the first time in so long, my heart felt something. Something I never thought I’d feel again. Something I longed for and didn’t know it until him.
And now it’s all fucked up.
My dream job, marred. My trust, broken. My heart, shattered.
It’s late, I’m exhausted, and I need sleep.
My heart hurts, my mind is racing, and I can’t sleep.
I need my best friend. I grab my phone and call Destiny.
“Hi. I didn’t think I’d hear from you. How’s it going? How does it feel to be fulfilling your life-long dream?” Joy dances with her words.
Joy I should share, but can’t.
Pent-up tears burst — uncontrolled — out of me.
“Can, what’s wrong?” Concern coats her voice.
All I can do is cry. I can’t form coherent words.
“Can, are you okay?” Her concern shifts quickly to panic.
I inhale sharp breaths and try to speak. “Not even a little bit.”
“Do I need to come get you? What’s going on? Talk to me.”
“I didn’t get my dream job.” I suck in choppy breaths.
“I don’t understand. What do you mean? You’re there, aren’t you?”
I temper my sobs and get out of bed to get a tissue. “I’m here. ButIdidn’t get it.Enzotalked them into hiring me.” Bitterness seethes inside me like a beast.
“What? What does Enzo have to do with it?”
“Turns out, he got the gig and something about how he wouldn’t take it unless they hired me too.” My chest sags, disappointment and confusion whirling.
“He said that?”
“That’s what it sounded like, according to Tomasso.”
“Oof. Okay.”
“How could hedothis to me?” Acid sours my stomach as unease brittles my bones. “He fucking went behind my back and he doesn’t even believe in me. Here I was starting to feel something for him and he fucking goes and doesthis. And this whole shoot that’s supposed to be the most magical, most amazing campaign of my life, is a fucking train wreck because I’m so twisted and hurt.” I blow my nose.
“I want you to take a deep breath with me.” She inhales.
I inhale.
She exhales.
I exhale.
“Let’s talk this through. What did he say when you asked him about it?”