Though I’m early, Candi was earlier. She’s walking around the breathtaking garden where we’ll be shooting. From where I stand, I can see her creating her vision. Walls of greenery surround a lake that boasts tall grasses and lily pads. Tucked into the greenery are life-size, white marble statues of goddesses with long, flowing hair like hers.

After a few minutes, the stylist arrives as well as hair and makeup artists. Candi’s team is here, running cords and setting up lighting.

Three female models arrive and introduce themselves to me. Candi starts walking toward us. When she sees me, the biggest smile spreads across her beautiful face and she picks up her pace.

She wraps her arms around my neck and all I want to do is kiss her. This obviously isn’t the place for that.

“Hi. What in the world are you doing here?” she asks, releasing me.

“Things have been so busy; I didn’t get a chance to tell you. I got a call from Vance about this job and then days flew by and I thought I’d just surprise you.”

“I’m surprised.” She pauses and looks over at the models. “Let’s get started.”

From that moment, she turns into the badass, visionary photographer I admire. Around one o’clock, Gucci’s has lunch brought in. We work for another hour and a half before breaking because Candi likes the natural light we have. During our quick break to refuel, Candi shares with us her thoughts for the next round of pictures.

“Enzo.” A deep male voice comes from behind me.

I turn around to see a gentleman who looks to be a little older than me. He extends his hand.

“I’m Tommaso.” He’s shorter and wider than me with a thick, bushy mustache.

Meeting his hand, I shake it. “Tommaso. I didn’t expect to meet you. This is great.”

“I don’t often come to the shoots, but every now and then I do, if the timing works out. I was so curious to meet the photographer you spoke so highly of.”

Candi stops talking to the female models and turns to us.

“Ms. Gamal, I’m Tommaso Moretti from Gucci,” he says, extending his hand.

“Hello.” She shakes his hand. “It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you again for this opportunity. The shoot is going very well.”

“Yes, I can see that. I’ve been watching your work from over there.” He points to the green-vine covered veranda of a small white building on the property. “Very inspiring. You have a keen eye. I’ve enjoyed watching you marry our concept with your vision and make it come to life.”

“Thank you so much. I’m pleased with how the shots are coming out. I’ll do my best for you. I’m grateful to be here.”

He pats me on the back. “You were right about her.”

Fuck.My heart freefalls in my chest.

As he turns to leave, Candi speaks.

“I’m sorry, what do you mean he was right about me?” Leaning toward him, her eyes shift from me to him.

He stops and turns back to face us.

“He told me we had to hire you. I almost thought he wasn’t going to do the job if we didn’t.” Heaving a laugh, he pats me on the back again. “I’m glad I listened to him. I have to get going. It was a pleasure watching you all work. I’m looking forward to seeing the final campaign.” He turns and leaves.

Blood drains from my face and there’s a high-pitched ringing in my ears.

Her eyes shift from him back to me. Expecting anger, what I see is far worse. The hurt veiling her eyes lacerates my heart. Her jaw clenches as creases form between her brows. I feel her fighting back tears, and it rips at me.

I fucked up…big time.

And I don’t know how to fix it. Even if I did, I can’t do it right now.

Keeping her eyes boring into mine, she speaks. “Everyone ready to get back to work?” The slight quiver in her voice shimmies across my skin. Without another word, she turns and goes to where we’re shooting the next set of pictures.

The rest of the afternoon and into the night, a frigid edge vexes her. Her presence stiff. A steel cage erected. I’m desperate to talk to her, to explain. But, it’s impossible.