“I’m not sure. We didn’t think that far ahead.”
We finish loading the dishwasher and join the guys who are drinking wine out on the deck.
“I think we’re going to head out,” Enzo says, approaching Anastasia and hugging her.
“Thank you for such a nice night,” I say to Gino.
“We enjoyed having you here,” he returns.
Enzo and Gino do the man-pat hug as Anastasia and I hug and say good night.
We get in his Jeep and head out.
“What do you feel like?” he asks. “Want to go out or do you feel like going home?”
“I’m so full from all that good food. How about we go home?”
“Home it is,” he says. “Anastasia really likes you.”
“I had such a nice time with them. You guys have some great stories. I particularly enjoyed listening to her talk about how you’d pull her around on your bathrobe across the wood floors and she’d beg you to do it again and again. You were strong even when you were little.”
“I think that’s what started my journey into lifting weights.” He laughs that hearty laugh that warms my insides.
On the rest of the drive home, he shares more with me about his childhood. I thoroughly enjoyed the night and seeing him interact with his family. I especially loved how they welcomed me with open arms.
Holding my hand, he walks me to my door.
Tonight, when I look into his eyes, there’s a connection, beyond the electric attraction I’ve felt intensifying between us. Something deeper. Something I want more of. Does he feel it?
“Do you want to come in for a drink? I don’t have whiskey, but I have wine.”
He doesn’t say a word. He just tips his head up and down slowly, pulling in his lips.
I open the door, locking it behind us. “I’ll be right back.” I go to my bedroom to take off my shoes and leave my purse.
When I come back out, he’s in the kitchen getting wine glasses out of the cabinet.
“Stick with red?” he asks.
“Sure.” I don’t have much of a selection.
He grabs the one red bottle I have and opens it then pours it into our glasses. I go to the living room and turn on some jazz. Handing me my glass, he takes a sip of his then sets it on the coffee table.
“I like this one. Dance with me?”
“I know what you’re doing.” I tease, thoroughly wanting to be in his strong arms again.
I want to feel his energy intertwine with mine once more. I also don’t want to be one of several women who might also be in his arms. I need to tell him.Not now.Now, I want to feel his body against mine, even if it’s just for a little while. I want to feel the rush that powers through me when he holds me. I crave it.
Taking a sip of my wine, I set it down then enter his awaiting arms, draping my arm across his shoulder and resting my hand on the back of his neck. With one arm around my waist, he holds my hand in his and sways us back and forth, slowly spinning us. His magnetic energy permeates me. Invades me. Eclipses me.
“I overheard you talking to that guy at the bar last night. Did you mean what you said, about seeing someone? Or is that your standard line?”
“It’s something I’ve said before. I don’t play games. I don’t give out fake numbers. I don’t say I’m going to the bathroom and never come back. I’d rather be polite and straightforward than give them false hope. It takes guts to walk up to a stranger and start talking to them.”
“That’s considerate.”
“Why? Is that what you want? For us to be exclusive?” He stops spinning us, puts his other arm around my waist, and holds me. Moving both of my hands down around his arms, I take a breath, unsure of how he’s going to receive what I’m about to say. My stomach clenches.Here we go.“I mean, I don’t want to force labels onto anything and I also have to be honest with you. I don’t see multiple men at the same time. That’s just not who I am. And I get it if you’re not ready for only one person.”Please don’t walk away.