“I don’t doubt that, I just —”
“Were you jealous?” She draws her head back, her eyebrows pinching together.
“No,” torpedoes out of me. “I was being protective. It comes from being a brother to a pretty sister.”Was I jealous?
Why was I ready to kiss her? Claiming her like some raving Tarzan. She’s not my girlfriend, we’re just hanging out so far. Are we even dating? Anastasia’s always told me that when it comes to women, I should trust my first instinct. And my first instincts with Candi have been intrigue, an interest to know more, and hot-as-fuck chemistry. When that guy was talking to her, all I wanted was for her to be mine. So far in my dating life, I’ve never felt like this.
Did she mean what she said to him? Is she feeling anything like what I’m feeling? Or is her heart still with her dead, almost-fiancé she wears around her neck? There’s something between us. Something I’m not willing to let go of. I’d better watch my step. If I come on too strong, I might just drive her away.
She swallows the last of her drink. “I’m going to get an Uber and head home,” she says, taking her phone out of her purse.
“I’d rather be the one to take you home.”
She smiles politely. “Thank you, but I don’t think I can hang until two AM anymore.”
“I know. I wouldn’t ask you to. I have a tough time myself these days,” I confess with a chuckle. “Hey, I didn’t take my break yet. Let me make sure the other bartenders are okay with me taking it now and I’ll walk you out.”
“I’ll wait here.”
I check with the other bartenders and they’re fine with it so I go back to Candi. She stands when she sees me and I get to take in all of her once again. Fucking luscious. Desire licks my skin, blistering through me.
“She’ll be here in three minutes.”
“Yeah. If I get anyone creepy-looking, I cancel it. And I always have my pepper spray with me.”
“Okay, good.” I walk her to the entrance. “Hey, we don’t have to go to my sister’s tomorrow night. I’m sorry if you felt ambushed by her excitement.”
“She was very excited.” She raises her eyebrows and laughs. “But no, I think it’ll be fun. Are you okay with it?”
“Yeah, completely. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel pressured into it.”
“Not at all. She seems sweet.”
The Uber pulls up out front and I walk her out. Opening the door, I pop my head in quickly. I don’t love her taking Ubers. Before she gets in, I take her in my arms.
“You look beautiful,” I whisper in her ear then kiss her forehead and release her, that soft scent of honey lingers in the air between us. “Text me when you’re inside your house and your door is locked.”
When she looks up at me, moonlight glows in her eyes. “I will. Good night.” She gets in and the driver takes off. About half an hour later, I receive her text.
Candi:Home safe. See you tomorrow.
Me:Thanks for letting me know. Yup, see you tomorrow. 4:00.
My phone chimes around two o’clock.
Candi:I have an urgent issue to address for work. Can I push our time to 5:30? I’m so sorry.
Damn.I know how dedicated she is to her work. I hope she doesn’t have to cancel our date.
Me:No problem at all. Let me know if you end up needing more time.
Candi:I’ll get it done.
I don’t even know what drove me to go to the bar last night. All I know is that I wanted to see him. He seemed pleased to see me. And, even though he denied it, I’m pretty sure there was a hint of jealousy when that guy was talking to me. I know we aren’t exclusive and I have no idea if he’s seeing other women. And, at this point, it’s probably none of my business. But I don’t do the whole see-multiple-people-at-the-same-time thing. I need to let him know that tonight. Even if it sends him packing, that’s not something I’m willing to compromise on.