“He was great. He tried so hard, especially with Anastasia. He’d watch YouTube videos to learn how to braid her hair and I don’t even want to know what he did about her period. I hope to God I don’t have to help my daughter out with that someday.” He shakes his head and hurls a terrified growling sound.

I can’t help but laugh. In that instant, I picture him braiding a little girl’s long, dark hair. Ardor sweeps through my core.

“So, here’s what I know about you. You’re a highly successful fashion photographer. You’re respected by everyone around you. You’re smart, independent. You’re dedicated and very loyal. You’re beautiful. Feisty. And you’re fierce in the sexiest way.”

Heat rushes to my chest at his compliments.

“Whatdon’tI know about you?”

This one may surprise him. “Hmm. I race my car on the racetrack.”

“You what?” He whips his head toward me, shock skirting the edge of his voice, brow shooting to his hairline.

“High performance racing,” I specify in explanation.

“Yeah, I know what itis. So, let’s add dangerous to the list.”

A laugh rolls out of me. “No, not if you follow the rules. It’s very controlled and you go through serious training and education. They have a lot of safety protocols you have to abide by. And it’s not like Indy racing where you’re two inches from each other’s bumpers and the smallest tap could send everyone spinning and flying all over the track.”

“What got you started in that?” His curiosity amuses me.

“A guy I dated in college, his dad raced in the circuit. We’d go watch sometimes and I got the itch. The ability to control a car at a high rate of speed just seemed…exhilarating.” I release a low, growling purr. “Okay, maybe it felt a little dangerous at first and that might’ve been what I was drawn to.” I shrug and purse my lips. “Sure, there’s still a little bit of risk involved, but once you know how to handle the car, it’s a blast.”

“Dangerous and sassy as hell.” He shakes his head with a huge smile spreading across his handsome, scruffy face. “This, I gotta see.” It’s more of an expression than a request to watch.

So, I go there. “You should come with me sometime.”

“Yeah?” Even though I’d just invited him, the tone of his question asks permission, like he’s checking to make sure he’s not infringing on something that’s me-time.

“Yeah,” I confirm.

After college, when I was out on my own, working on my photography career, I’d go to the track events and learn and practice. It was my hobby, my fun. I admit, the danger was kind of a thrill, a rush. When Dom and I met, he wasn’t into it,at all. It scared him too much. He wasn’t into driving and he wasn’t into watching. So, I stopped doing it, which was fine because we had a lot of other things in common that we enjoyed doing together.

About six months after he passed, I ran into one of the guys from the track and we caught up over coffee. He said I was welcome back anytime. So I started going to the events I could make it to when they fit into my crazy schedule. It’s been great to get back into it.

With both of us needing to work tomorrow, he makes sure to have us back to my house by nine o’clock. As usual, he walks me to my door.

“This was a fun surprise.” My back to my door, I look up into his eyes.

“I’m glad you liked it.” His kryptonic eyes move back and forth, seizing me in place.

Kiss me.

He extends his arm above me, leaning it against the door, close to my face. With his other hand, he takes some of my curls in his fingers. I sip a shallow breath and let the door brace my back. He leans in, our faces inches apart. Lust coils itself through my core.

“I’m not going to kiss you until you tell me to kiss you.” His warm breath crosses my lips. He leans back a little and presses his lips into my forehead. “Good night.”

I stop holding my breath. “Good night.” It’s all I can say.Is my jaw on the floor?

He takes my chin in his hand and rubs his thumb along my jaw. Exhaling audibly through his nose, his eyes flicker to my lips then he steps back. “I’ll leave once you’re in.”

I unlock the door and step inside then turn around. He gives me that sexy smile of his, bows his head, and turns to leave.

Closing the door, I lock it behind me, and breathe.Holy shit that was intense.God, I wanted to feel his lips again. I don’t know if I was more turned on by himalmostkissing me or his complete respect for me bynotkissing me, given what I shared with him. What I do know is that I have to kiss this man again…soon.