“Anytime,” he says quietly, holding my face in his hands, weaving his fingers into the loose hair at the nape of my neck. Staring down at me with his beautiful green eyes, his inhale is audible. After his exhale, a low growl rumbles deep in his chest. “You’re tough to leave,” he says in a hoarse whisper, holding my gaze and shaking his head slowly from left to right with a quick lick of his lips. He presses his fingers lightly into the back of my head and exhales again.
My pulse quickens.God, I want to kiss him again.
He leans in, presses his lips to my forehead, then pulls back. “Get some rest.”
My phone rings in the pocket of my flannel shirt, breaking the moment.
I pull it out to see who it is.
“It’s Destiny.”
He smiles. “Put in a good word for me. I know how important it is to impress the best friend. At least that’s what my sister tells me. And, for the record, you’re the most beautiful sick person I’ve ever seen.” He winks, kisses my forehead again, and leaves.
I close and lock the door then answer the phone.
“Hey. Feeling any better today?”
“Um, I am.” I pause, dumbstruck. “And that’s mostly due to Enzo.”
“Enzo? I thought you canceled because you’re sick.”
“I did. And he showed up at my door with homemade chicken soup, crackers, tea, honey, flowers,” I say, punctuating each word as I say it. “I…I was blown away.” I put my hand on my forehead.
“Oh really,” she says, with a playful, accusatory tone.
I grab my coffee from my dinette. “I know. I tried to tell him to go away because I didn’t want to get him sick, plus I looked like a train wreck, but he said he wasn’t leaving.” I walk over to the sofa and curl up in my fuzzy blanket.
“Can, that’s so sweet.” Her voice singsongs.
“It was.” I pause, struck with a tinge of repentance. “Of course, I think my cold made me delirious and I ended up telling him about Dom.”
“You…you did?”
I knew she’d be a little surprised. Hell, I was surprised.
“How…did that go?” Her words come out in hesitant concern. “Are you okay?”
“It didn’t go how I thought it would. You know I haven’t been ready for anyone. I’m lucky, I had my true love. And then he died. And some days I’m still so messed up about it. So, I told him I didn’t think we should see each other again.”
“Oh, Can.” Her compassion always comforts me. If she was sitting next to me, one hand would be on her heart and the other reaching out to touch and console me.
“But he wouldn’t accept that. He basically said we all have our crap and he’s too into me to let me go. He said the most beautiful things to me.”
“Aw. That’s great. So, you’ll see each other again?” Hopefulness raises her voice.
“Yeah, next week.” I pause, sipping my coffee. “It’s crazy, Des. I don’t know what happens to me when I’m with him. He’s like that dizzy feeling when you get up too fast and have to hold onto something so you don’t fall over. He’s this intriguing combination of witty and sensitive and hot…as…fuck.” We both burst into laughter.
“Well, I’m very happy to hear this. Hey, Nicco’s taking me to brunch. Want to join us?”
“No, thanks. I’m gonna lay low and keep resting. I have a shoot tomorrow and I want to make sure I’m better.”
“Okay. Keep feeling better and let me know if you need anything. And I want updates. Love you.”
“I will.” I chuckle. “Love you. Bye.”
By morning, I’m almost feeling back to a hundred percent. When we break for a fast lunch at my shoot, I check my phone.
Enzo:How are you feeling today?