The sun dips below the horizon, coloring the sky with remnants of orange, yellow, and red. The DJ shifts the mood as a slow song fills the air. Candi walks up to the bar and sits on the stool where she was earlier.

“One of your whiskey sours, please.” She smiles, sending a wave of heat through me.

Little vixen.I make the drink and set it in front of her. “Not dancing with your date?”

“My date?” Her brows pinch together.

“The best man.”

She chuckles. “No, he’s not my date. He’s Nicco’s brother and he’s dancing with his wife.” She points in their direction.

No date? Her?

Several guests step up to the bar. “Excuse me,” I say to her and tend to the few who are on my side while Jake tends to the rest on his side. The slow song ends and more people are ready for refills. While they keep me busy, Candi sits on the bar stool, sipping her drink and watching people dance.

Another slow song comes on. The spurt of guests needing refills dwindles. Candi’s gaze has moved above the dancing bodies to the stars in the clear night sky. The warm, gentle breeze tosses a few hairs around her face.

On a chain around her neck hangs a thick, silver ring with gold and silver Gothic-like filigree. Lost with her thoughts, she slides the ring up and down her middle finger. It’s too big for any of her delicate fingers. Whatever or whoever she’s thinking about, is a dark shadow looming over her spirit.

Taking a penny out of my pocket, I slide it across the bar toward her. So as not to startle her, I keep my voice quiet. “Penny for your thoughts?” I ask, wiping dry a martini glass.

Her trance broken, she turns her stool, setting sad eyes on me, sending the sadness beneath my skin.

“You look miles away.”

Her vibrant smile I’ve seen most of the night is gone, replaced by a weight she’s struggling against to push up the corners of her lips. “No. I’m here,” she says softly, returning from miles away.

“I’m a good listener. It comes with the job. Being a traveling bartender is kind of like being a priest. People have a few drinks and confide in me. Probably because they know they’ll never see me again. I hear all kinds of secrets.” Leaning closer, I quiet my voice. “I’ll keep yours safe,” I promise.

Her beautiful face lifts then falls as she casts down her eyes. Lifting her head, she takes a long sip of her drink. “Sometimes the most wonderful celebrations are also reminders of those who are no longer here to celebrate with.” Melancholy ridges the features of her face. Something in me yearns to take away her sadness.

Just then, Destiny comes over and stands in front of her. When Candi looks up at her, tears well in her eyes as her brows pinch together.

“I know.” It’s all Destiny says, then cradles Candi’s face into her chest.

They release and Destiny cups Candi’s face in her hands. Then she takes Candi’s hand and nods toward the dance floor. “Come on,” she says with a loving smile as she lightly tugs on her arm.

Candi smiles back at her as she wipes a tear from her cheek.

Standing, Candi hugs her and whispers into her ear. I watch her lips form the words, “I love you.”

I don’t know what just happened, but it’s gnawing on my heart. Candi’s been a mysterious, sexy firecracker the whole time. Seeing her hurting made my heart ache. But why? I don’t even know her. And I’ll never see her after tonight.

Unless I change that.