“I’m grabbing shorts and a sweatshirt,” Candi calls out as she runs through the living room and drops her clothes on the kitchen table then vanishes up the stairs.

Nicco and Destiny look at me, standing in their living room wearing my wet boxer briefs, holding my jeans.

“Bro, I’ll give you shorts and a T-shirt, but there’s no fucking way I’m giving you my underwear.” Nicco jokes, making me laugh.


He brings down the clothes and I change in their downstairs bathroom. When I come out, Candi’s come back down, her hair up on top of her head, wearing Destiny’s clothes. Destiny’s put our clothes in two separate plastic grocery bags.

Candi walks over and hugs her then gives her a kiss on the cheek. The same for Nicco. “Thank you, guys, for such a fun night.”

I hold out my hand and Nicco shakes it. Then I lean down and kiss Destiny on the cheek. “Great night, guys. Thanks so much.”

I slip on my dress shoes while Candi puts her tall boots into her bag and slides on a pair of Destiny’s flipflops. She hands me my wet shirt and I put it in my bag. As we head out the door, it hits me that I’ve never been on a double-date before and I genuinely had a great time with everyone.

Given the hour, the traffic isn’t bad and I get us back to Candi’s faster than I’d like. I’m not ready for the night to be over.

I walk her to her door, wanting so badly to taste her lips again. After the intimacy of our conversation in the ocean, it doesn’t feel right. I squelch my growing desire.

We stand facing each other. She looks so cute with her wet pink hair on top of her head and wearing Destiny’s clothes.

“When can I make you dinner?”I want to see you again, soon.

The corners of her lips lift slightly. “How’s Saturday night?”

“Okay. How about I pick you up at three-thirty and we can go to the farmer’s market and pick out what we want?”

She nods. “Okay,” she says softly. Her eyes flicker to my lips.

Fuck, I want to kiss her. “I should go.” I lean down and kiss her forehead. “Good night.” When I pull back, she opens her eyes, magnetism drawing us close. I love how her breaths tick up when I hover over her.

“Good night.” She unlocks her door and steps in then turns around and smiles at me before closing the door.Damn, this woman.


I close the door and lock it then lean my back against it and look up at the ceiling. Exhale.God, I wanted him to kiss me.I haven’t had feelings like this in so long. My heart ached when he told me about his Superman necklace and his mom leaving and then his dad dying. When I looked into his eyes as he spoke, the moonlight illuminated a mixture of innocence and pain, ensnaring me.

I had such a good time tonight. I was afraid I’d be thinking about Dom and feeling guilty. But I didn’t think about him once. I was thoroughly consumed by Enzo and loved learning more about him.

And,damn, dude’s got a body. When he stripped down to his underwear and the moonlight hit all the right spots, my mouth watered. Even though I’d already seen him half-naked at the photo shoot and in the pictures I took, something about his spontaneity and practically skinny-dipping in the ocean made for a whole different experience.

Now, all I can think about is seeing him again on Saturday.