“And when did you take up this hobby?”What?Hot as hell, makes me laugh, sweet, unbelievable singer, plays an instrument, and now hebakes? Whoisthis man?

“Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s a hobby. My sister baked a lot when we were kids and she’d always ask for my help so I would. I guess I picked up a few things along the way and now I’m a pretty mean baker.” He shoots me that devilishly sexy grin.

“Your turn. Tell me something about you that most people either don’t know or wouldn’t guess.”

It’s a little personal and I probably shouldn’t, but I share the first thing that comes to mind. “That as badass as I seem on the outside, a lot of times, I’m terrified on the inside. My mom always taught me to do it scared, whateverithappens to be. She used to tell me that people don’t get anywhere in life by staying small and not taking chances. She would say that the worst that could happen is that it doesn’t work out or they say no, and then I just keep trying until it does work out or they say yes.”

“She sounds like an amazing woman.” Respect lines his words.

I smile as he pulls into Destiny’s driveway. They beat us back. When we go in, Nicco’s out back starting a fire in the fire pit and Destiny’s in the kitchen gathering s’mores ingredients. I take off my boots and socks and Enzo follows my lead, removing his shoes and socks and rolling up his jeans a little. He takes off his blazer and hangs it on a hook above the weathered, light-gray shoe bench.

“This place is great, Destiny,” he says, looking around the cozy beach cottage.

“Thank you. We love it here,” she says, handing him a tray with the s’mores’ ingredients on it. “Head out there.” She points to the back door that leads out to the porch and beach. “You’ll see Nicco. We’ll be out with wine. Do you have a preference?”

“Okay. Nah, I’m easy.”

As soon as he’s off the porch and in the sand, Destiny hands me two wine glasses and a bottle of white wine.

“So, it’s been an interesting night so far.” One side of her mouth kicks up as she tilts her head a bit. “How was the ride here?”

She thinks she’s being sly, but I know her too well. “It was nice. He’s nice. I like him.” I exhale and shake my head. “Des, I just don’t know that I’m ready to date again. Shit, I don’t know that I’ll ever be ready.”

Her sigh is filled with compassion. “Can, I know it’s weird to think about and I know a part of you will always hurt for Dom.” She pauses, drawing in her lips. “You’re still young. And, you have so much love to give. You deserve to be loved again,” she says gently, rubbing my arms and looking into my eyes.

Since Dom passed, the idea of falling in love again never entered my mind. He was my soul mate. That kind of love is tough to come by.

“Come on.” I smile and tip my head toward the beach. “Let’s go enjoy our night.”

She grabs the other two wine glasses, a corkscrew, a bottle of red wine, and a small bottle of water for herself. When we reach the fire pit, the flames are starting to grow and the guys have pulled the white, weathered Adirondack chairs close to the round pit. The golden sun dips into the ocean, splaying colors of yellow, orange, pink, and even purple.

We spear our long forks into our marshmallows and float them above the flames. Nicco and Enzo talk about work and upcoming projects while Destiny sips her water and I sip my wine, watching the sun sink deeper into the ocean.

With s’mores filling my stomach, I sit back in my chair, ruminating on what a fun night it’s been. Enzo finishes his last bite and stands up.Does he want to leave already? I’m having such a good time with him.

“Want to go for a walk?” he asks, those magnetic eyes pulling me in.

He doesn’t want to leave.“Yeah, sure,” I say, getting up from my chair, succumbing to his pull.

“We’ll be back,” he says to Nicco and Destiny as he turns toward the water.

“Have fun,” Destiny says. “I’ll be here eating s’mores.” She holds up her long fork with a marshmallow perched on the tip. Pregnant lady with s’mores, watch out.

As Enzo and I head toward the water, he takes my hand in his. Though unexpected, it feels natural.

“This okay?” he asks, looking down at me and gently squeezing my hand.

Dom was a hand-holder. I’ve missed holding his hand. I like the feeling of Enzo holding mine. It’s different, but nice. A warm contrast to the cool, grainy sand beneath my feet.


“Tonight was fun. Thank you for letting me take you out. Although, technically, I need to square up with Nicco before I can claim to have taken you out.”

“Heh. That’s Nicco.”

“If you’re feeling comfortable enough and you’re up for it, I’d like to make you dinner sometime. Just you and me?” Anticipation cocoons his hopeful tone.

What is it about this man? Am I ready for him? Am I ready to see if this could be something? Dom’s gone. Why does it feel like I’m cheating on him? I’m drawn to Enzo in a way I can’t seem to control. A powerful force that invades me.

“I’d like that,” I say, a mix of fear and excitement commingle in my stomach.

“Great.” He stops, facing the ocean. Moonlight skips atop the peaks of the undulating water. “Wanna go in?” He says, dipping his head toward the water.

“Now? But, we don’t have suits.”

“We don’t need ‘em.”