My heart’s beating so fast. I enjoyed talking with him. I wanted to invite him in and ask him to stay for pizza. I wanted him to kiss me before he left. Whenever I’m near him, he consumes me. Logic wanes and my senses shift into overdrive.
I haven’t felt this giddy about a guy since before Dom. He and I were friends for so long before we ever dated that we were like a comfortable pair of old sneakers. When I’m near Enzo, I have to keep catching my breath. His energy is magnetic; seductive, respectful, charismatic.
I shake the memory of our kiss out of my head and throw on shorts and a tank then order my pizza. Exhausted from work and the red-eye, I fall asleep about halfway throughThe Wedding Planner.
I see Enzo tonight. A strange mix of excitement and nervousness twists like a helix inside me. I don’t know why I’m nervous. I get that it’s our first actual date, but I’ve talked with him several times and already practically ambushed him into kissing me.
I pick out my coffee-colored, halter, cutout top; black skinny jeans; and black-leather moto jacket. Finishing off my outfit, I put on my gold hoop earrings and zip up my over-the-knee black-leather boots. Just as I’m finishing putting on my lipstick, the doorbell rings. A spurt of adrenaline rushes through my torso. I look at my phone, five twenty-nine. The man is prompt. A quick scrunch of my curls and I grab my mini Dior purse as I head to the door.
Deep breath, exhale.I open the door and…wow. Catching a quick glance of him, I suck in a sip of air. He’s wearing jeans, an untucked crisp white button-down shirt, and a dark gray blazer with a lighter gray color creating a square-pattern on the fabric. He’s strikingly handsome and I love his style.
“Hi. You look great. Am I too casual? Should I go change?”
“Thank you.” He takes a step back and scans me from head to toe and back up then shakes his head and pulls his lips in. “Nope, you’re just right. Perfect, actually.” His pause devours me. “Are you ready?”
“I am.” I lock my door and we go down to his black Jeep Grand Cherokee. He opens the passenger door to let me in and closes it once I’m settled in my seat. I’m digging his chivalry.
So far, our conversations have been heavily about me and I’m curious to know more about him.
“How’s work been going for you?”
Staying focused on his driving, his enthusiasm lights up his eyes and lifts his cheeks. “Great actually. Nicco’s a standup guy. He helped me get a new agent who’s been consistently getting me modeling jobs, with some bigger brands too, and it’s been great. I even signed a contract with Chapord and it’s an honor to represent their brand.” He releases his left hand from the steering wheel and reaches toward me, giving me a look at the striking, classy watch around his wrist. “Their company values and commitment to sustainability make me respect them so much.”
“That’s amazing. Yeah, I’ve done a couple shoots with them and I’ve always had great experiences. Have your gigs taken you anywhere interesting?”
As we drive, he tells me about some of the cool places he’s been and brands he’s worked with. He’s definitely stepped up his career since we last saw each other and I’m thrilled for him.
When we arrive at Stage 2, Destiny and Nicco are there and have already put in our name with the hostess. It’s kind of like upscale-casual. The walls that aren’t brick are painted a deep red. Dark, rustic-wood tables pair with black-leather, curved-back armchairs.
We’re seated within five minutes and the hostess brings us to a slightly hidden booth near the back of the restaurant, likely to try to give Nicco some privacy from fans.
The chemistry between the four of us is relaxed and fun. With Destiny and I being friends, and Nicco and Enzo being friends, there aren’t any weird, awkward silences like there can be when you’re on a first date.
“So, from the story you two told me about your fashion modeling days when you were little and Candi’s speech at your wedding, it sounds like you used to get into some mischief together,” Enzo says to Destiny.
“With this one,” she says, pointing at me, “always.” Playfulness surfs the crest of our laughter. “So, I have to tell you this story. But I warn you, we may laugh so hard we pee ourselves,” she says, chuckling again. “I don’t even think you know this one.” She looks at Nicco.
And now I know exactly the story she’s about to tell. I squirm in my seat, ready to burst into laughter at the memory.
Enzo rubs his hands together with a huge smile on his face. “Oh I’m so ready for this.” He focuses his attention on Destiny.
“Obviously Candi is the slightly wilder one of the two of us,” she starts. Enzo glances at me with a frisky grin. “We were, I don’t know, what? In our early twenties?” She looks at me and I bow my head in agreement. “And I let her talk me into a blind date with her and the guy she’d been dating for a while. She wasn’t a very good matchmaker back then, let me tell you. Anyway, she starts telling this story of a time we were at a nightclub together and, in the story, she reverses our roles and makesmethe wild one.”
I can’t help but chuckle, drawing Enzo’s smoldering eyes to me.
“So, she goes on to tell him how we were dirty dancing together and I, reallyher, lifted up my top and flashed everyone.”
We all bust out laughing.
She continues as I bubble inside.
“Now, at this point I’m thinking that she’s never told the true story to the guy she’s dating and I don’t want to call her out on it, so I kind of go along, but I’m laughing so hard because I know the truth and now this guy thinks he’s getting lucky with some wild chick.”
We all erupt into laughter and tears squeeze out of my eyes as I rock back and forth, holding my hand to my chest.