
So I cheated a little. Nicco and I have become friends and he’s told me a lot about Candi, making me all the more intrigued by her. Through our conversations, I must’ve proven myself to be worthy of at least seeing Candi again because it’s true that he requested me for their party. He also told me that he accidentally found out the baby’s gender when he dropped off the paper to the cake designer and it fell on the floor and he saw it. He wanted Destiny to be surprised so he kept the secret, but he told me when we were talking about the party. Hey, can’t blame a guy for trying.

When I looked up and saw her in that pale, tan dress that wrapped across her breasts, accentuating her cleavage with the low neckline, ravenous hunger from our first kiss thundered through me. I knew I had to kiss her again.

As Nicco and Destiny pull out the slice of blue cake, I know there’s a small chance I might get that opportunity. Candi turns in her seat toward me and raises her champagne glass then offers me a smile and finishes her drink.

The party winds down and guests begin leaving. Candi walks toward me, her tan legs so long and sexy with her short dress and high heels. Enough to drop a man to his knees.Damn.

“Well, it looks like I’ll have the Tiffany-blue cosmopolitan.” Her salacious smile strikes my dick as she sits on a bar stool.

I smile back and start making her drink. “So, we’re on then?”

“On one condition.” She holds up her slender finger.

Feisty vixen. “Name it.” I don’t care what it is, I’ll do it.

“You may know Nicco, but I don’t know you very well. We’ll go on a double-date with Nicco and Destiny.”

“Done.” I crack a nod. “I know your schedule and Nicco’s can be hectic. When do you want to get together?”

“I’m in town until Thursday and I think Nicco’s around too. How does Tuesday sound to you?”

“I can do Tuesday.” I’d rather it be tonight, but Nicco said she came in on a red-eye so she’s probably tired.

“Okay, I’ll check with them and let you know. Do you mind if I have your number?”

“Not at all.” I set her drink in front of her and give her my number.

She punches it in and my phone chimes.

“Now you have mine.”

I check my phone and see the smiley face emoji she sent. I edit and type in her name.

“I know you guys are cleaning up now. Is it okay for me to sit here and finish my drink?”

“Absolutely.” I start loading dirty glasses into a glass-rack. “So, you were out of town?”

“Yeah, I was up in New York doing a shoot for Vogue,” she says nonchalantly.

I stop and look at her then whistle. “Impressive. You really are big time.”

“Well, I don’t know about that,” she says, taking a sip of her drink. “I mean, I have worked extremely hard to get here. I still haven’t landed the one brand I’ve always wanted to work with. I will though. One of these days, I will.”

Her tenacity is alluring. “I have no doubt about that. What’s the brand?”

“Gucci.” She takes a sip of her drink, looking up at me from under her thick, dark lashes. Determination cements her expression.

“Very high-end. Any specific reason?”

A chuckle lifts her chin, accentuating the sensual line from her jaw down to her neck. “When Destiny and I were little, we’d play dress-up. Her mom had the best magazines that we’d look through for our inspiration and I remember seeing an ad for Gucci. The setting was amazing, the model was beautiful, her outfit was stunning, and she was carrying the most magnificent Gucci bag.” Her gaze drifted above me as she reminisced. Then she returns her eyes to me. “I grabbed my purple butterfly purse and drew a horrible Gucci logo on it with permanent black marker.” She bursts into laughter making me laugh.

Destiny walks over to us. “What’s going on over here?” she asks with a smile.

Candi catches her breath from laughing and holds one hand to her chest and the other out toward Destiny.