“I mean, I don’t know. Dom was my person. He was everything I ever wanted in a life-partner. But you and I both know he was a little lacking in the passion department. I’veneverbeen kissed the way Enzo kissed me.”
“Do you think maybe you freaked yourself out because Enzo looks a little like —”
“No, he doesn’t.” I cut her off.Yes, he does.Enzo looks alotlike Dom and I don’t want to think about it.
“Okay,” she says softly. The corners of her lips curl up slightly and she drops the subject. “So, I have a question for you.”
“Hit me with it.”
She finishes swallowing a bite of her salad and reaches her hand across the table.
I take her hand with mine as she sits quietly, looking at me. Usually, I can read her eyes. Right now, I don’t know what they’re saying. “Are you all right?” I ask, leaning forward. “What’s going on?”
“How would you feel about being a godmother?”
“Shit. You scared me for a second. I thought maybe something was wrong. I’d be honored to be a godmother to your baby someday.”
Her smile reveals her secret and shivers skate across my body.
“Wait. What? You mean?”
She raises her shoulders and nods vigorously as the most beautiful smile lights up her face.
I spring from my seat, she rises from hers, and I wrap my arms around her, squealing.
The spa attendant clears her throat, shooting me a glare.
I release Destiny, dropping my voice to a whisper. “How could you tell me this in a place where I can’t scream and jump around?” I wiggle my body that’s bursting with joy for her.
“It just felt like the right moment.” Her squinched face smiles with delight and she shakes her head as we sit back down.
“Oh this is amazing, Des.” My excitement nudges a tear from my eye. “Congratulations. I have so many questions. How far along are you? Is it a boy or a girl? Do you have names yet? When are you due?”
Soft laughter rolls out of her. “I’m ten weeks. We don’t have names yet or a due date. Wearehaving a gender reveal party next month though. I hope you can come.”
“Of course I’ll be there, at my godchild’s first party.” I can’t help but smile. My heart is so full.
Together, we wallow in the bliss of our spa day and her pregnancy news. It’s one of the best days.
I took a red-eye from New York last night to make sure I could be here for Destiny and Nicco’s gender reveal party. In their typical fashion, it’s a small, private event for close friends and family.
I put my gift on the gift table. It’s a basket of pampering mommy lotions and potions and the cutest “and baby makes three” onesie. Pastel blue, pink, and yellow balloons in varying sizes crawl up a wall of greenery behind the table and an adorable particle board elephant sits watch. On my way to Destiny, I pass the dessert table that’s teaming with pink and blue treats like cotton candy cupcakes, macarons, and cake pops. A beautiful drip cake serves as the centerpiece.
Destiny’s little belly is growing and she definitely has that pregnancy glow.
“Hey, how was your flight?” she asks, hugging me. “I know you got in so late, well early. You must be exhausted; I know you can’t sleep on the plane. Thank you for being here.” She holds my hands in hers.
“I wouldn’t miss this.” Though I’m tired, I’m so happy I could make this work and be here. I want to be part of every event in my godchild’s life.
“Could you get me some water? I think everyone’s here and I have a couple games I want to get started.”
“Of course.” I turn toward the bar and adrenaline floods me the instant I see him. Enzo. Tingles shock my skin as I stand frozen, watching him. Still hot as hell. He’s making drinks and doesn’t see me. I peek back over my shoulder and Destiny winks at me as her lips pull into a mischievous smile.
As I approach the bar, he looks up. Attraction bubbles between us, the same as it had the first time we saw each other. The sexiest smile spreads across his unforgivingly gorgeous face. My pulse quickens.
“Hi. I wondered if I’d see you,” he says. Those green eyes hold me.
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” My breath catches in my throat.