Break down begins as the female models and I get out of the pool. I head to my tent to dry off and get changed, thinking about Candi’s glances I caught all day. While she remained professional, there’s no denying our intensifying chemistry.

When I come out, much of the equipment is already packed up. I don’t see Candi anywhere, but I do see one of the assistants.

“Wow, you guys are fast. Can I give you a hand?”

“Nah, but thanks. We’ve been doing this a while. Have it down to a science.”

“You work with Candi?”

“With, for, yeah. She’s pretty much the boss. A great one too. She’s not all high-and-mighty about it. That woman rolls up her sleeves and gets dirty with us. We all make a good team together.”

“It’s good to work with great people. Hey, do you know where she is?”

“Mad respect for her,” he says, hoisting a lighting fixture onto his shoulder and pointing to the other side of the pool. “Yeah, over there with Paulette. Great job today. Take care.”

“Thanks, man. Yeah, take care.”

As I make my way over to them, Paulette wraps her arms around Candi’s neck. When she releases her, Candi takes her hands and she’s looking at her intently, saying something. Now I’m close enough to see Candi gently shake Paulette’s hands in hers. Another quick hug and Paulette walks out through the stone archway.

“Hey,” I say, stepping over to face her. “Everything okay?” I angle my head in the direction Paulette left.

“Oh, yeah. She just doesn’t have her confidence yet. I gave her some pointers and a little pep talk.”

With everything I’ve witnessed today, I’m even more impressed by Candi. I know I shouldn’t waste my time, but I can’t stop myself.

“Look, I know you turned me down already, but I can’t walk out of here without one more try. Is there any chance you’d let me take you out sometime?” I spread my most charming smile across my face. At least I get a chuckle out of her.

She tilts her head and smiles. I prepare myself for another rejection. “Enzo, you’re so sweet, really.”

“I know I felt something all day.” I cock my head down and toward her. “And I think you felt it too.” I pause, my chest heating. “But it’s more than just attraction. I want to get to know you.”

“Enzo, I, it’s not.” She has the confidence of a badass, alpha-chick, but right now, I’m feeling like I have the upper hand.

I take a step closer to her. “What is it?” What has her so resistant?

“I don’t get involved with clients. It’s my rule.”

“Okay.” I take a contemplative breath. “Our shoot is over. I’m not your client anymore. Although technically, I wasn’t anyway. I was just a model. Dive into Swim is your client.”

“I — don’t get involved with people in my industry.” Her eyes shift back and forth between mine as her posture stiffens. “I’ve worked very hard on my career to make it what it is and I’m not going to risk it for some —” She waves her hand up and down my body. “One-night stand with a hot guy.”

At least I know she’s attracted to me, though the gravitational pull between us already confirmed that.

I step in a little closer. “What if I’m looking for more than a one-night stand?” I ask, stunned by the words that just left my mouth. Holding her gaze captive, I watch her inhale and exhale.

She shakes her head slightly, not moving her eyes from mine. “I’m sorry, Enzo. I just can’t.”

I lean in, hovering above her, our eyes rapt. It’s taking everything in me not to pull that pen out of her wet hair and kiss her luscious lips.

“Candi!” one of her assistants shouts, breaking our trance.

She blinks and steps back. “Um, I’ve gotta go. Great job today.” She looks down and then back up at me. Her shoulders relax, her voice softens. “It really was nice to see you.”

With that, she turns and heads toward her assistant. And again, she’s gone.

What the fuck am I thinking?This woman incapacitates my ability to think clearly.

I walk through the stone archway and into the lobby as I head out of the hotel. That’s when I see Nicco. He points at me with an acknowledging smile.