I couldn’t stand. I couldn’t breathe.

My hand flew to my chest with the agony suddenly coursing through me. It was similar to what I’d felt in the human world. The one that caused hematomas to appear out of thin air across my body. Those accompanied by the strange visions that took my reality away.

“What is happening to him?” Kingston roared, lifting me by the arms as though I weighed nothing.

“I don’t know!” Evie sobbed in anguish.

The pain abruptly disappeared, replaced by an unimaginable hatred and anger. One I had felt before. My left eye began to tingle and my reality swiftly changed, until I was no longer glancing at the Elevated Warriors from the ground, but from behind them in the distance. Four different points of view all pointed to Evanna as my enormous form took me closer.

“He’s coming!” I shouted in a gasp, finally able to breathe. My hands pushed Kingston off me, regaining their strength. “You have to get her out of here. You have to go!”

“Who is coming?” Kingston demanded, looking into my frantic eyes, just as the Dragon sight left me.

Heart slamming against my ribs, I held his gaze. “Azazel.”

Kingston’s expresion filled with horror and shock, but he didn’t question me, he reacted. Whirling around, he took Evie into his arms and ran towards Luna as fast as his feet would take him. Mountains transformed around us and shot into the air, escaping the four-headed beast before it arrived.

“Get your hands off me!” Evie ordered, fighting against her guardian, but there was no way he would let her go. Kingston was on autopilot now. His only mission, to protect her.

Athina and the other creatures in the sky swerved, sensing the same thing I had. Shit. They were not camouflaged. That was how the beast had found them.

“Braxton!” Evie called after me, but I was already in motion.

“Go invisible!” I yelled at Asher and the others, hurriedly climbing Spartan, and running on his wing.

As my foot fell onto the membrane part of it, it sunk, and the motion hurled me into the air as though I had jumped on a trampoline. I realized then how the warriors jumped so high onto their rides. Following their lead, I jumped once more, propelling me onto Spartan’s neck, and I scrambled to sit between his scales.

“Go. Go. Go!” I yelled at him and he was instantly airborne, flying towards the others.

“What are you doing?” Kingston roared as Luna’s wings turned them, preparing to take off in the opposite direction. “We all have to leave!”

“No. Take her away. I’ll distract him!”

“Braxton!” Evie yelled again, pushing at the giant to let her go, but he might as well have been made of steel.

Without a second to waste, Kingston steered Luna away from there, and I watched the purple Dragon’s head lower—horns first. Her tail curled up behind her and the flaps on the end twisted. She was like a rocket ready to launch and I recognized the move immediately. It was what her kids had done when they helped me rescue Evie from Raithian’s grasp.

When Luna released, she lunged forwards, the momentum making her soar away from us in an instant.

“Take the cattle and goats and go!” I yelled at Asher, Harper, and the others when I finally reached them. “I’ll distract him.”

“An Elevated Warrior never runs from a fight,” he shouted back at me just as our Dragons vanished in thin air, and the next moment we reappeared to each other, the riding magic uniting us. “Where is he coming from?” he asked, probably guessing there was only one thing that would make Kingston take the princess away like that.

“From the east!”

We all turned just as the four-headed monster came into view, but he could no longer see us. I was certain of that. His heads reared and roared as he flew closer, spewing fire everywhere, the fury palpable to all of us, but there was one thing missing…

“Where is the Warlock King?” Harper shouted, noticing the same thing I had.

“He’s alone!” Asher replied, in confirmation.

“And he can’t see us,” I added, getting‘are you insane??’looks from all the warriors just as a stream of green fire reached us. Our rides flew in separate directions to avoid the blast.

“How do you know that?” Asher questioned, falling in line with me again. So did the others, and a few of their Dragons shot back at the beast.

“I can’t explain right now. Trust me. He can’t!” I yelled over the wind, and I knew the second he decided to believe me because Athina took the lead.

“Listen up. We have a small window. Azazel can’t see us right now, so let’s try to take him down,” he ordered. “Harper, take his right. Arlo, on his left. Elijah, take the rear with Penelope. Braxton and I will distract him at the front. Fire with everything you have at him!”