Oh. “He is?”

They nodded.

“And why are you all here?”

“He asked us to come with him and wait outside,” Harper was the one to answer next, stepping closer. “Our apologies. We thought you had gone to bed already, or we wouldn’t have left.”

“That’s fine,” I assured, noticing they stood several steps from the entrance.

“They are having aprivateconversation,” Asher explained, guessing my thoughts.

Private? My stomach clenched, and I hurried past them. Stopping next to the open archway, I slipped my head in so I could hear. Asher quietly chuckled, and motioned for the others to move farther away—to give me discretion while I snooped on my guardian and my… my… I realized then that I had no term to actually describe who Braxton was to me.

Frowning, I stepped into the small privacy hallway that led inside, pausing next to the corner that finally allowed one to enter the room. My head slightly peeked around the edge, getting a partial view of the space. The room was vacant except for them, but they both sat inside the alcove where Braxton slept, so they couldn’t really see me.

“Are you certain you don’t feel any more pain?” Kingston asked, seeming troubled.

“No. After the healer reset my arm, Vyper took me to his lair and he and Draco took care of it,” Braxton answered in a casual tone.

It was the second time he healed by being close to the kids. His Dragon ring had somehow allowed it.

“How long were you there?”

“For like an hour, I think.”

“I understand.”

No, he didn’t. but he would never admit that to Braxton.

“I wanted to talk to you about today.”

“I’m sorry about what happened to Spartan because of me,” Braxton interrupted, his voice heavy with guilt. “I never meant for him to get hurt, but when I told Asher the beast couldn’t see us, he knew we had to do something—”

“Azazel can’t see us?” Kingston asked, perplexed.

Shock gripped my chest, pulse racing, and my fingers tightened around the corner.

“Not while the Dragons are invisible.”

“No. That can’t be true,” my guardian rebutted. “All Dragons with that ability can see each other through the glamour.”

“I’m not sure about that,” Braxton mumbled. “But I am sure about this. Azazel can’t see other Dragons when they are camouflaged. He can sense us once we get close, or lock onto our location by sound, yet he is firing blind.”

“How do you know that?” Kingston’s brows furrowed as he tried to process the possibility.

“I saw it through his eyes. I don’t know why, but ever since I came to this place, strange things have been happening to me. One of them is the ability to connect with a Dragon’s sight, and use it as my own. I can see anything they can see, which now that I think about it, might explain why this world seems so familiar to me when I’ve never been here before.”

Blinking, I tried to comprehend what I was hearing. If Azazel couldn’t see us when our Dragons camouflaged, that changed everything for our fight.

“That changes everything,” Kingston whispered, mirroring my thoughts. “The way we fight him and Raithian, the way we plan our raids and the conquering of more lands. This could help us win.”

“I thought you already knew,” Braxton added, flabbergasted.

“We had no way to figure that out before. All this time we have been fighting with one hand behind our backs.” He shook his head a moment before his gaze returned to Braxton. “Thank you.”

“Of course.”

“I need you to know that what happened today with the Dragons is not normal.”