“Kingston will understand,” I assured, pressing my forehead to his and feeling true relief for the first time since Azazel appeared in the green lands. “You are insane to have done that, Brax. It’s not up to you to protect me,” I scolded, anger returning to me now that I knew he was out of danger.

“That doesn’t mean I won’t try.” He leaned in, placing a small kiss on my lips and my entire being hummed in response. I was helpless against the overwhelming chemistry we shared.

As I pulled back, I noticed Asher quickly look down, and my breathing halted. Gods! Had he seen us? My urgent gaze swept the other Dragons’ necks, to find everyone busy with their own worries. They hadn’t even noticed Braxton was no longer riding Spartan. Asher on the other hand…

Kingston came into view the second we entered caves again, pacing from one side of the entrance to the other as he waited. His head snapped up when he felt us, and his form visibly relaxed. The tortured expression marring his features made me feel terrible about the fight we had before I left, and I knew I had to speak to him later tonight to clear the air between us.

Alkor, Fulgur, and Ember placed the twelve cows they had carried in their hands and feet gently on the ground before landing, while Athina and Spyke placed Spartan down, before settling so Asher and Harper could get off them.

Spartan seemed more awake now, and he shook his head clear, trying to get rid of the remnants of what he experienced. Kingston’s steps began to bring him towards me, but he stopped himself, heading to his Dragon instead. Checking on him and apparently deciding he was okay, he stroked Spartan’s neck with care, grateful for his service, and then patted it—dismissing him so he could go back to his lair and rest. Spyke and the others flew away too, leaving Luna there with us.

“What happened during the confrontation?” Kingston asked his commander, following a similar pattern my questions took. His head pensively nodded as Asher relayed every detail of what had transpired between the warriors and Azazel.

“I apologize, Chief. I thought—”

“No. I would have attempted to bring him down too,” my guardian admitted, not putting any blame on Asher for what occurred. “Any chance we get, we must take it. Killing that beast and taking that power away from the Warlock King, is the only way we’ll ever end this.”

“Of course, Chief.”

“How were you guys able to get away so soon?”

A heavy breath sunk Asher’s chest, and he glanced at me briefly before he shook his head. “Fire Furyappeared out of nowhere and engaged him in battle,” he answered, clearly shocked by the turn of events.

“Tharion??” Kingston gasped. “Impossible! Why would he meddle in the fight?”

The shock in my guardian’s voice travelled through me swiftly, leaving me cold.

Tharion, rightfully nicknamedFire Fury, hadn't ever intervened in any of our affairs, although he did follow us with every move of the city. It was like he needed to be close to us, even when he hadn’t formed a bond with any one.

“I have no answer for that. But he barrelled against Azazel before he could slice through Spartan and Braxton while they fell.” A hand pushed through his blond hair, brushing the strands back as he blinked, seeming shaken by it. “If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have been able to get Spartan and Braxton out of there. He just appeared, like he had tracked us or something. As though he could sense we needed help.”

“Thank you for telling me, Asher. I will look into it. Please help him down from there.”

Jumping to our side, Asher helped Braxton to his feet and guided him off Luna. Kingston received him, helping take him inside.

* * *

Dinner in the common hall was quieter than usual that evening. Braxton wasn’t at the table with the trainees like I’d gotten used to, and Kingston had decided to eat in his quarters, none of which gave me any respite from the guilt and anxiety that had plagued me.

Asher assured me they were both well, but I wouldn’t feel like myself again until I was able to see them for myself, and if they couldn’t or wouldn’t come to me, then I would most definitely go to them.

After Willow finished fussing over me for the night, and questioning me to find out details about Braxton, I stepped out of my room. Heading to the sixth floor, I walked to the room at the beginning of the hall to speak to my guardian. Things felt strained between us since the morning, while I worked on my regular duties, or visited the city to hand one of the cows to the couple who had just given birth. Kingston had stayed mostly away, something he had never done before.

I didn’t feel fully responsible for our fight; he needed to stop treating me like a child and punishing himself for the mistakes of the past. I couldn’t be the woman preparing to become queen, with the weight of an entire race on my head, and also the child he needed to safeguard in his arms so nothing would happen.

Nevertheless, my heart hurt because of it, and I needed to make it right.

Reaching the entrance to his room, I took a steeling breath and made my way inside it. It was empty. Where was he?

A new resolve gripped my being, and I headed for the stairs to go visit the trainee’s quarters—where Braxton was staying. It wasn’t usual for me to find myself completely unaccompanied, so I would take full advantage of that. My steps became hesitant on the fourth floor, when something else occurred to me. What were Kingston’s warriors, my guard, doing that they were not around either?

Entering the hallway, I swiftly walked towards Braxton’s room, only to turn the corner and halt mid-stride. Gods! They were all standing there. All ten of the Elevated Warriors, as though waiting for something… or someone. I slowly began to walk away, heading back to the stairs before I was caught red-handed.

“Princess?” Asher’s voice reached me, and I whirled around, giving him an awkward smile.

“Um, I was looking for Kingston.” Okay, so that was only half true, but that counted.

“He is inside, with Braxton.”