Athina dove for the front of the four-headed beast and Spartan flew with her. Exchanging a nod, Asher and I went visible again, appearing suddenly across from Azazel.

He roared the moment he finally saw us, firing his green fire breath at us from all four directions. We swerved and rose in the air, successfully evading his assault and began to fly away, urging him to follow. The others started their attack, fire streams shot straight at him from all sides.

A roar thundered out of the four-headed beast, and he turned much faster than any of us expected. His claws swiped at the air near Harper, all four heads beginning to snap their jaws way too close to the warriors for comfort.

“He can see them!” Asher bellowed, but I shook my head.

“No. He can sense them. Time for plan B!”


“We need another strategy.”

“Continue to distract him. I’m going to try to kill him from below,” he shouted over the flapping thunder created by our rides, charging on its way under the monster before I could say another word.

“Go up!” I told Spartan, and he shot to the clouds.

Swiftly, we made our way around the beast, just as his swiping claws connected with Arlo’s ride, sending them both whirling in different directions. Her dusky blue Dragon swiftly recovered, but blood seeped from his side. Still, he lunged through the air to catch Arlo, who was falling rapidly towards the ground.

“Shoot him!” I yelled at Spartan when we flew past one of the heads, and red-hot flames burst from his throat, engulfing an entire side of it.

Azazel’s screech of pain turned into a call for war, and seven glowing green eyes focused on me. Ironically, the hole where the eighth one should have been was the scariest one.

Holy hell. “Fly. Fly. FLY!!”

Spartan reared back with my desperate order, and spun, flapping his wings as fast as he could to get us away. Azazel followed, flying after us faster than he had during our last encounter, and my heart lodged in my throat. If something happened to Spartan because of me, Kingston would kill me.

And if Azazel killed me along with Spartan, Kingston would end me all over again. I had no doubt.

The wind slapped my face harshly the faster we tried to get away. I looked over my shoulder, seeing the four-headed beast gaining ground on us while Asher and the other Elevated Warriors soared after him, attacking him from behind to try to stop him.

It didn’t work.

“Go invisible!” I screamed at Spartan, who swerved out of a stream of green flames right before it caught us. We blended with the scenery, but it was too late. Azazel already had us locked into his natural radar, and he wasn’t letting us go that easily.

The world lurched suddenly when the back of his massive hand slammed against Spartan’s side, sending us tumbling through the clouds.

“Braxton!” Asher yelled after me from somewhere far away, but I was too busy holding on to Spartan’s scales as we continued to plummet out of the sky. Kingston’s Dragon was rendered unconscious from the blow.

We flipped upside down and I spied large gray claws lifting to slice us open. The beast’s belly bled profusely from Asher and Athina’s attack, unfortunately, it had been for nothing. Azazel’s arm swung towards us again, but something slammed against his side a second before it reached us, shoving him away from us.

Flaming red eyes fleeted through my scattered vision, an instant before my savior charged after the four-headed beast.

The Demon Dragon.