Letting go of Eli so Imogen could take him to the babes, I faced Brax. “You can’t enter a battle with him. He’s a kid. When it is time for you to become asky rider, you’ll have to get an adult Dragon. It won’t be Vyper.”

“So, I can’t ride him anymore?”

My chest constricted with the ache in his voice. “I’m sorry. I know you are building some sort of attachment to him, which is why he followed you blindly to help me, but you won’t be able to fully bond. He’s not mature enough.”

Frowning, Braxton nodded, but I could see he was not too pleased by it.

Kingston and I exchanged yet another glance. There was no way he could be feeling any connection to Vyper—he was just a kid—but the way they behaved… Loud gasps suddenly brought our attention to the front, to find all the babes flying and jumping towards Braxton.

“Gods!” I gasped too, scrambling out of the way with the others, while Brax laughed, falling on his ass on the grass. Stunned, I watched the babes agglomerate around him, some landing on his shoulders, arms, and head, while others fell on his chest and back, clinging to the sleeping shirt he still wore.

“What is happening?” he asked between bouts of laughter from the ground.

I had no answer to give him. That had never happened before.

A troubling look captured Kingston’s face, and his hand gently gripped my arm, pulling me to the side.

“You asked if I had seen something strange…” He motioned to the spectacle before us while my guard and Imogen began to take the babes off Braxton. “Now imagine something similar, but with adult Dragons.”

“What?!” I screeched, shock rushing through my body.

“I followed him to the Dragon lairs the other night.”

“You followed him?” I questioned with wide eyes, indignant.

My guardian made a face. “I thought he was going to look for you in your room.”

“Excuse me?”

“He asked how you were doing and when he could see you. I don’t know.” He sighed. “The point is, I followed him through the market until he climbed the staircase to the lairs.”

“But how did he even know how to get there? He’s never been here before.”

“I think… I think the Dragons beckoned him somehow.”

Swallowing, I turned to find Braxton now sitting on the ground with Eli while they caressed the babes and played with them. “What happened afterwards?”

His head shook, bewilderment entering his honey eyes. “I have never seen anything like it. He entered Luna’s cave and her kids welcomed him; she welcomed him. While he was there, every single Dragon emerged from their cave, all flying to his side. They gathered around the entrance to Luna’s lair, as though they needed to get a glimpse of him, see who he was…”

“As though they could feel him,” I whispered. “Do you think more than one Dragon can bond to him, like they did with his father?”

Rubbing his face, my guardian took a deep breath, considering it, yet, he didn’t answer. “He also has what seems like increased strength, although I’m not sure where it comes from. You said he was sick.”

“He was,” I breathed, mind reeling with possibilities. “But the kids healed him at the beach before we crossed the portal, and he doesn’t seem to be suffering any more pain.”

“Well, the force of his punch destroyed two hand guards, knocking the warriors who wore them off their feet. Asher almost fell too, and he’s the strongest of my men. He is as sturdy and unmovable as a mountain.”

Willing a steadying breath through my lungs, I nodded. “Anything else?”

“His eye. It glowed again like you mentioned. But it slitted as a Dragon’s. I think that is how he saw where the lairs were.”

“He could see it through Vyper’s eyes,” I finished for him, finally understanding Braxton’s statement when he first put on the ring.

“I can see them… I can see the Dragons…”