“Our market is much different than those you know. Here, everyone who has something to offer displays it for our brothers and sisters not to go without. If anyone is in need, they can simply come to the market and take what they seek, knowing they themselves have something to offer in return. Whatever that may be. If they don’t, coins are free for those who want to use them.” I gestured towards the city’s coin fountain. “Money does not drive our society, Braxton. The need to stand together and take care of each other is more important.”

“We have lost too much, suffered too much,” Maximillian added, the shadows of our pain dancing along his features. “If I can clothe a brother that once stood barefoot and in chains, that makes my life and everything we have been through worth it. In the market, we each offer what we make, knowing that anything needed will be provided to us here too, because it is all within our reach.”

Braxton blinked, seeming shaken by the revelation, and Kingston and I exchanged a glance. Perhaps he couldn’t fathom how anyone would not be interested in benefiting themselves from someone else's needs, given that his world seemed ruled by money, but ours wasn’t.

“Thank you again, sir,” Braxton offered. “After my training is done, I’ll wear them with honor.”

Maximillian grinned with such pride and happiness that it brought a smile out of all of us. Well, everyone but Kingston, who huffed, crossing strong arms over his chest. However, the gift Braxton had given the tailor by accepting his gesture was far greater than any monetary value those pants might have had.

“Come on, we are almost there,” I urged him, and pulled Eli with me, heading towards the trail that led to the Dragon lairs above us.

I led them into the large fissure at the left side of the staircase’s base instead—the fissures were like hidden hallways along the walls, and this place was filled with them. We walked out onto a clearing that received direct light from the skylight in the mountain’s roof, and immediately, the tiny sounds of yelps and fluttering wings mixed with the rushing water from the waterfall. Eli’s eyes grew wide.

Dozens of Dragon babes frolicked around the grass or in the water, bouncing in a multitude of colors before us.

“They are baby Dragons!” Braxton gasped at the same time that Eli tugged my hand, trying to run to them.

“Okay, okay, calm down.” My chuckles mixed with the ones coming from behind us. “You’ll be able to touch them soon.”

“Is it okay to touch them?” Braxton asked, probably remembering the sacred skin incident.

“Yes, it is completely fine,” I assured. “Once the eggs hatch, the female Dragons take over the caring and raising of the younglings, and they know us, so they are not as zealous with their care. They bring their babes here every day for us to interact and bond with them, then take them to their lairs at the end of the day.”

“Dragon day care,” Braxton snorted, amazed by what he saw.

“I suppose.”

“When can I choose mine?” Eli yanked at my hand again, getting impatient.

“Never.” A voice answered from behind the waterfall, and we all turned to see Imogen walking towards us with one babe on each shoulder, and one on her head. Her lips curved into a sassy smile.

“But the princess said I could bond with one, and feed him, and take care of him,” Eli whined.

“Then you shall.” Imogen stopped before us while the youngling on her head played with her long braid. His ruby red scales as bright as the hue of her vibrant hair. “But you see, the thing is… You don’t choose a Dragon, they choose you.” Reaching for her head, she removed the babe, carrying him in her arms instead.

“They do?” Braxton asked while Eli glanced all around, as though waiting for one of the babes to jump on him.

“Yes, they do.” She smiled.

“This is Imogen, she used to be a warrior but now takes care of the younglings full time,” Kingston introduced her, giving her a brief nod of greeting.

“Princess,” Imogen bowed to me then glanced at Braxton. “Pleasure to meet the warrior who brought the princess safely home.”

That air of unease returned to Brax, but he nodded. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

Looking behind her, she whistled to the babes, calling their attention to us. “Do you need a Dragon as well?” she questioned. “Surely, it would have to be one you can ride,” Imogen added in confusion.

“I already have one, thank you.”

“He’s not ready for that yet,” Kingston growled at the same time that Braxton answered, and my lips twitched.

“I think Vyper kind of chose him already,” I admitted to my guardian, who gave me a stern glance. “I mean, he is not his legion Dragon, but I’d like to see you try to keep Vyper away.”

“Can we get this over with, please?” Kingston mumbled. “Braxton needs to go back to training.”

“You can continue later, Ineedto talk to him,” I gritted out the last part, giving him a pointed look.

“What do you mean not my legion Dragon?”