Together, we all began to walk towards the market on our way to the youngling’s lair. Eli held my hand while his sister walked behind him, Kingston remained between Braxton and I, and the other Elevated Warriors followed in the rear. The only one missing was Asher, who had gone to secure a medicine woman to care for Marina, the mother who had just given birth to Sienna.

“I remember that trick,” I offered Brax, chuckling when I saw the spear tied to his hand.

“You had to do this too?” he asked, surprised.

“Yeah. I was a child then, but I think I carried it for like a week.”

We chuckled as he fixed his grip on the weapon. “I thought it was crazy at first, but last night when I removed it to sleep I truly felt like something was missing.”

“It’s all about getting used to the feel and weight of it in your hand. Soon, you won’t need to have it tied, you’ll carry it willingly. It will feel like a part of you.”

“I can see that.”

“Do you like training to be a warrior?” I asked, not sure what else to say. What I really wanted to share with him should only be said in private.

His gaze went to Kingston. “Honestly, if I wasn’t afraid for my life half the time, it would actually be exciting.”

My guardian’s lips twitched with humor, but he didn’t let the smile take hold. His narrowed eyes fell to Braxton briefly. “If you didn’t spend the majority of our sessions falling on your ass, it would actually be productive to teach you. You need to find your center.”

His voice was harsh, but he wasn’t fooling anyone. The man was sweet as sugar, the problem was he was also obsessively protective of me, and he didn’t know Braxton. Also, if he weren’t too busy fearing Brax would disappoint him like his father had, perhaps he would be able to see the same kind and honest man I saw.

Something in my core told me Braxton would never betray me, no matter what the situation was.

“For you, Princess!” The call interrupted our advance, and I stopped to look at a woman who walked towards us from her jewelry stand. A delicate pearl string necklace weaved between her fingers. Lifting her hands, she offered it to me. “I made it from freshwater pearls. Do you like it? I’ve been saving it for when you felt better.”

“It’s absolutely gorgeous,” I whispered, accepting it and draping it over my neck. “Thank you so much, Zia.”

Smiling wide, a man reached us next, a pair of leather pants draped over his arm.

“Maximilian, how are you?” Kingston greeted, just as the tailor offered the garment to Braxton.

“I’m well, thank you. I heard you are training the warrior who got the princess back safe, so I made him these.” They were the same pants my guard wore.

“Oh, thank you so much, but I have no money to pay you,” Braxton replied, taken aback by the offer and even seeming a bit embarrassed.

“He made them for you,” I explained, so he would take them.

“He will not accept that,” Kington stopped me. “He’s not an Elevated Warrior.”

Rolling my eyes, I faced the tailor. “They are perfect, Maximilian. Perfect craftsmanship, as always. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Would you like some coin for it, or a trade?”

“You don’t have to, princess.”

“I insist.”

“Well, Coins would be nice. Thank you.”

“Of course.” Nodding towards Elijah, one my guards, I silently asked him to take care of it, and he walked towards the city’s coin fountain in the center of the market.

“Really, that is not necessary,” Braxton assured with chagrin just as Elijah returned with a handful of gold coins from the fountain, and dropped them in the glass jar on the tailor’s kiosk. “The pants I was provided are fine.”

“But he made those for you specifically,” Elijah clarified, confused by Braxton’s hesitation.

Understanding entered Brax’s eyes, and he nodded, turning to look at Maximilian. “I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting your kindness. Of course, I am grateful.” Finally accepting the pants, he glanced up at Kingston and swallowed, receiving a fierce glare from my guardian. His attention soon fell to the jar. “Is that enough for the pants? You didn’t count it.” Braxton’s tone revealed he was mortified by the whole exchange.

Stepping around Kingston, I placed a hand on his arm.