They laughed.

“The shah sleep during the day and hunt at night,” Quinn informed. “They only attack animals that drink from its purified waters—lured by their glowing nature to the pond.”

“The fish glow?” I asked, surprised.

“Yeah. Ironically, they are gorgeous. Powerful, and so savage. The shah are the shah,” Thea added, and they all snickered.

Oooh. “So that is where the expression comes from?” It finally dawned on me.

“Yeah. When something or someone is amazing, or powerful and fearless, and just the absolute best, you sayit’s the shah, orthey are the shah.”


“Wait, purified waters?”

“Yeah. They exude something that makes the ponds where they live in the most clear and healthy waters found in this realm.”

“All our drinking water here comes from that pond.”

Making a face, I glanced at Edward and Charlotte.

EW. I wanted coffee.

Everything was so different in this place. It was hard to catch up. My illness seemed fully gone, but now there was this weird strength coursing through me. My eye fully transformed into a Dragon’s eye. I could see in the night, and Dragons seemed attracted to me in a way…

And yet, none of that bothered me. Nothing except the fact that I missed Evie, and it had only been two days since I last saw her. Yep, I was turning into a psycho. Then again, I was in another world, without my friends, and she was the only true connection I had left.

“I’m going to go to bed, guys. Good night.”

“Good night…”

Their voices filtered into the night as I pulled at the bed sheet and thick blanket. Reaching for the knot on the back of my hand, I untied the spear from it and rested it against the wall, getting into bed. My hand clenched and unclenched to restore some blood flow. I thought about sneaking up to the seventh floor, or trying to, but something told me Kingston would be guarding the stairs, and if he saw me, I would be the shah’s midnight snack tonight.

He had followed me to the honeycombs, and I hadn’t even noticed. Then, he vanished from the lair as swiftly as he appeared. I was sure he was going to eat me alive this morning about getting to the Dragons’ caves without permission, but he didn’t even bring it up. Like it never happened. It was almost like he was avoiding the subject.

Minutes stretched while I stared at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep even when everyone else had passed out already. Tomorrow I’d have to wake up at five o’clock again, expected to fully function without caffeine, yet here I was. Staring at the ceiling.

A feeling coursed through me suddenly, one of rebellion and mischief, and even though it wasn’t mine, a slow smile stretched my lips. Wrenching the sheet from my body, I walked out of my bed nook and silently made my way to the window, to find a large yellow eye surrounded by moss-green skin on the other side.


He nodded at me to come with him. He wanted me to climb out the window and onto his back. Of course he did. He didn’t care if I fell to my death from the fourth floor of the castle. Why would he?

Glancing at the small table on the corner, I placed it under the window, and stood on it, gripping the frame. However, when I lifted my leg to attempt the feat, it felt like something was missing… I was leaving something behind.

“Damn it,” I growled under my breath, returning to my nook and taking the spear. Asher’s little trick had worked.

Climbing out the window, I carefully stepped onto Vyper’s wing, crossing it towards his neck like a bridge. Once seated, I leaned towards his ear. “Do you know which one is Evie’s window?”

He nodded.

“Take me there.”

We flew around the castle once before he stopped at a large rectangular window that overlooked the beautiful market. His wing stretched towards it when he hovered close, and I stood, carefully walking towards it, until I was able to sit on the ledge and jump inside.

Thankfully, there were no guards in the room, and my gaze immediately travelled to the bed that rested against the far wall. A small fire was set in her fireplace to keep her warm, and I kind of resented it. It should be my arms providing warmth, not the flames. With a relieved breath, I silently made my way to her side, seeing her asleep.

The way her chest rose and fell with her deep breaths said she was knocked out, and my gaze caught the sight of a cream and some kind of green beverage on the night table. Medicine, I assumed. Sitting next to her, I lifted the thick blanket to cover her shoulder, and brushed a gentle finger along her cheek. Evie looked so gorgeous like that. Resting peacefully, her long hair fanning the pillow behind her, and falling over the bed like a blanket while the flickering from the fire softly illuminated her face.

She didn’t seem in pain, like she had been when we slept on the beach. There was no quiet moaning, or difficulty to breathe, and that brought true relief to my being. Kingston and Asher had told me she was fine and resting, getting well, but when you really cared about someone, it was one thing to hear they were fine and another to see it for yourself.

Smiling, I leaned down, brushing my lips against her cheek softly and reveling on the feel of her.

“I miss you…” The whispered words fanned her skin, and I saw her eyes attempt to flutter open, but sleep was heavy on her. “Shhh, it’s okay, Evie. Rest.”

“Brax...” she sighed, still unconscious, making me smile. I lifted her chin, slightly pressing my lips to hers.

“Yes. I’m here. And I’ll be here anytime you need me. I’m not going anywhere.”