“Unhand the princess, now!” he ordered in a tone that said he was not to be tested.

“Kingston, stop!” I yelled the order, startled at his reaction while Braxton became rigid behind me. Kingston’s intense gaze shifted from who he deemed no better than a criminal to me, and he slowly pulled the blade back from Braxton’s skin as I’d ordered, but remained in an offensive stance.

“Take your hands off her,” he seethed, focusing on Braxton once more. “Iwill nottell you again.”

“I’m sorry,” Braxton replied, bewildered by my guardian’s behavior, and lifted both hands in the air, letting me go.

“Kingston, lower your spear,” I seethed too, shocked and angry that he would behave in such a horrible way. He knew I had gone to the human world to search for Braxton and bring him here. He was the only one who knew who Braxton was… dread filtered through me instantly. He knew who Braxton was. Was that the reason he was behaving that way?

Gods be damned.

“He had you restrained against him,” Kington argued.

“He was protecting me,” I clarified, seeing the rest of the warriors pointing their fully extended spears in Braxton’s direction, ready for their chief’s command. “We had an encounter with the Warlock King on our way back, and I got hurt escaping him. My ribs are broken.”

Kingston’s arm fell to his side instantly, the indignation that marred his expression turning into concern and shock. His gaze immediately went to Braxton, jumping to Draco and Vyper next. “Was Azazel with him?” he asked, and I nodded. “Then how were you able to escape him? You were with a civilian, and you only had the kids?”

Sighing, I glanced back at Braxton, reaching for his arm still lifted in surrender, and lowered it to his thigh. “Braxton saved me,” I confessed. “He’s the only reason I’m here, safe.”

My guardian’s astonishment grew, and he waved a hand to the warriors. “At ease.” Retracting the spear and hooking it to his belt, he regarded Braxton in a different way, while the men and women around us holstered their weapons too.

I felt Braxton physically relax behind me, but I still wished that hadn’t been his first impression of my people. Kingston was going to get an earful from me.

Walking towards us, my guardian climbed onto Vyper’s wing, and pulled me down from his neck, carrying me in his arms gently, not to upset my injuries. Big honey eyes widened when he glanced at the material covering my body. “Is that…?”

“Sacred skin,” I finished for him. “It’s a long story.”

Nodding, he regarded Braxton, who had gotten down from Vyper too with the help of a couple of warriors. “Thank you for saving the princess. I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

My guardian’s words were true enough, but I could still sense the contempt and apprehension flowing from him towards Braxton—the son of the Harbinger of Justice.

“I just did the right thing. I couldn’t let him hurt her,” Braxton admitted.

When our gazes met, I could see the confusion and incertitude in them. My chest constricted and I wanted to go to him, hug him, kiss him. “I’m sorry for the confusion, Braxton,” I offered. “No one willevertreat you like that again. I promise.” My words were regretful, but the ripple of my command swept through the warriors when I regarded them and their chief.

“I apologize for pointing my weapon at you as well,” Kingston begrudgingly offered.

“Thank you,” Braxton replied, rubbing both hands over his pants. “I am Braxton. Braxton St—

“Braxton Skyburrito,” I blurted, saying the only thing I could think of at that moment. His last name might reveal who he truly was to everyone here, and I couldn’t risk it. “He’s amors servus—lost slave—I came across on my trip. He found a way to escape the Dark Empire, and risked everything to help me.”

My eyes begged Braxton not to contradict my crazy lie, and I noticed his weariness grow.I’m so sorry…My eyes conveyed, hoping he would understand.

Releasing a deep sigh, he nodded, holding my gaze for a few extra seconds, before he turned to look at the others. “I was lucky to meet the princess. Thank you for having me here.”

Kingston’s commander, nodded, appreciation and camaraderie replacing his previous hesitance towards him. “I’m Asher.” He extended a friendly hand to Braxton, who immediately shook it, relieved. “Is there anyone you were forced to leave behind during your escape? Any family you need us to help you rescue?”

Braxton blinked, not expecting those words from a stranger, and my chest filled with emotion as well as pride. That was who we were, always willing to risk everything for each other.

“Thank you for offering me your help, but no. Unfortunately, my family is gone. My mother died recently, so it’s just me now.”

My eyes stung when his pained gaze connected with mine at the reminder of his mother’s loss. He was wrong about one thing though. He wasn’t alone, I was with him. I just needed to find a way to prove that to him. So we could be together.

Asher nodded, the weight of Braxton’s loss seeming to fall on his shoulders too. “We’ve all been there, Brother. You are one of us now.” Hooking hands with Braxton, he pulled him into a half hug. “Welcome to theSpes Regnum, ourKingdom of Hope.”

Noticing the slight shimmer in my eyes at their exchange, Kingston turned me slightly so the others wouldn’t see it and addressed his second. “Asher, please find room for Braxton among the legion, and make sure he gets a change of clothes, food, and anything else he might need.”

With those final words, my guardian took me away, carrying me into the palace while I watched Braxton’s face disappear in the distance.