The closer we flew to my kingdom, the more my insides twisted with anxiety. Braxton’s arms held me close while we rode Vyper the rest of the way—he had thrown a fit on the beach because we had ridden Draco for too long. Kids.

My eyes closed as I tried to gather as much courage as I could, to tell him the moment we stepped into my castle his every touch would cease. Each kiss, each caress that currently infused life and hope into me would be forbidden. I was the princess, and no one even knew who he was.

How could I come back from the Mirror World mated? Paired to a man no one had ever seen? Without courting, without ceremony, just together.

I supposed I should have thought about that before I gave in to his caress, his kiss, before I gave myself to him. Nevertheless, that was the point, wasn’t it? It hadn’t been my mind guiding my actions. For the first time in my life, I had let go. It had been my heart urging me to act. An instinct stronger than anything I had ever felt, far beyond reason, telling me he belonged with me, and I with him.

The issue was, how did I explain that to Kingston, to Willow, to my kin, Lachlan and his clan without adding kindle to the fire? To the doubts they already harbored about my ability to lead? Braxton being with me didn’t just affect my life, it directly affected theirs because as my partner, he would become the prince.

“How’s my sexy Burrito doing?” Braxton’s voice fanned my ear, and a small smile curved my lips, bringing me relief. He was referring to the way he’d wrapped me in the sacred skin before we left, which apparently had to do with something humans ate.

Turning my head to look at him, I offered him a slight nod. “I feel better, thank you. I still have pain, but the less I move, the better it will get. It’s not the first time I have gone through this, so you don’t need to worry.”

“I will always worry about you, but I’m glad it feels better.” His lips brushed my temple caringly, and I felt him place another kiss on my cheek.

As the feeling his gesture incited swirled through me, my eyelids fell closed, and I nestled deeper into his chest—snuggling the soft, yet thick fabric-like material over my skin.

The amazement of what I had witnessed Braxton do still stirred in my mind, though I doubted it would ever leave me. If the way he’d calmed the Water Dragon—a second before his attack—by explaining our situation to him wasn’t enough to leave you speechless, the fact that the ocean guardian not only responded to him, but felt Braxton’s need so deeply that he offered us his shed skin certainly would.

My gaze fell to Braxton’s hand around my tummy, to find his Dragon ring glowing in a steady, soft light. I wondered if, now that he was here, in his rightful world, it would ever go dark.

Another thought crossed my mind, making my gut tighten. Braxton was the Harbinger of Justice’s son, and if anyone found out about that, I had no idea what would happen to him. How would they receive him after what his father had done? Would they reject him? Exile him from our clan and protection? So many people had bleeding wounds from his father’s betrayal, I wasn’t sure of what their reaction would be.

Of only one thing I was certain, I had to protect Braxton at all cost.

“Wow,” he whispered behind me, bringing my attention to the sight that had awakened his awe.

“That is the Lost Kingdom,” I informed as his gaze lifted to the Dragon statue poised at the very top of the palace, focusing on the broken pieces. “It’s the birthplace of our culture, of who we are. The Warlock King’s ambition and thirst for power destroyed it, just like it destroys everything he touches, but one day we will bring it back,” I vowed. “Once this is all done, and we have liberated this world, we will rebuild it to its full glory, and have peace again.”

“Yes, you will…” His words were filled by far more than just hope. A fierce determination engulfed them, saying he would do anything in his power to help us accomplish that.

As we flew past the castle and the sight of the grand mountains behind it came into view, nerves exploded inside me, and the anxiety threatened to suffocate me. This was it, we had arrived. I had to tell him…

Vyper and Draco dove towards the mountain’s side, where what looked like a fissure opened a part of the hill and gave us access to its unimaginable caverns.

“Hold on tightly,” I called back, a moment before the kids turned sideward, flying vertically into the cave.

“Holy hell!” he breathed against my neck, clinging to me firmly. “That was awesome.” He chuckled as we began to descend, but my stomach jumped to my throat. “Whoa, is that the façade of a castle actually carved out of pure rock?” He mumbled, shocked, staring at the structure before us.

When Draco and Vyper swerved towards the entrance of our palace, landing softly, I turned to face him, cringing at the pain the movement incited. My hands flew to his neck, and I brought him down to me, kissing him deeply. He gave into me, pressing me against his chest as our mouths danced together and my heart filled with both joy and sadness.

“Braxton, I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you earlier, but I must now. My life is very different here. For me, things are not as easy as they would be in the Mirror world, they never have been, and I’m afraid we cannot just beus.”

Confusion grazed his expression, capturing his kind eyes while they bore into mine. “What do you mean?”

“For good or bad, I am their princess, their leader, and that comes with expectations and judgement I cannot escape. And rules I need to abide by.” My thumbs caressed his neck softly, and I leaned closer, pressing my forehead to his while something tore inside me. “It means that it won’t be easy for us to be together.”

The sound of steps rushing through the corridors reached us, and I cradled his face, stealing one more kiss from his lips.

“Forgive me for not being able to talk about this with you before. I will explain everything as soon as I can, I swear it. Please forgive me.”

After one more kiss, I turned just in time to see the Elevated Warriors marching out of the large archway, with Kington’s imposing presence in their midst.

“Evanna, thank the gods you are back. I feared—”

His voice halted the second he noticed Braxton sitting behind me, his arms still around my waist. Anger contorted my guardian’s face. In a swift movement, he spun, pulling his spear from his belt and extending it to its full length with a flick of his wrist, then thrust it upwards until the tip of the blade pressed against Braxton’s neck.