“Thank you for distracting the highly coveted Skyborne Princess, stranger. I owe you a great debt…”

The man’s words echoed in my mind, as his grey smoke reappeared on top of the four-headed beast—a moment before it flew into the sky.


“Evie!!” I roared, heart pounding against my ribs while the monster began to fly away.

My wild eyes slowly glanced all around me, seeing more mountains shift and lunge into the clouds—Dragons escaping the beast they feared more than anything. Desperation sliced my chest as I understood it had been my fault. Because of me, Evie was captured.

Raspy screeches and growls suddenly reached me, snapping me out of my shock. My head spun towards Vyper and Draco, seeing them restlessly stomp and jump on the sand. They wanted to go after her, but they were just kids. They were too afraid to fight that thing.

Too bad.

I wasn’t letting the man in the demon mask take her away from me.

Running towards Vyper, I leapt onto his wing, scrambling my way to his neck. “Let’s go!” I ordered without thinking, it wasn’t the time to question my sanity.

To my relief, he jumped into the air eagerly, his growls increasing—preparing for war. Tenacity and power engulfed my chest, and I suddenly felt connected to the punk Dragon in a way I couldn’t describe. Except, it wasn’t coming from me.

Looking beside me, I realized the bluish-grey Dragon wasn’t flying with us. My gaze found him still on the beach while he cried after us. “Draco, come! Fly to us!”

Another whiny screech left him, and he scrambled around the sand, as though trying to fight his own feelings. He seemed rooted in place by fear. Damn it! It wasn’t the time to hesitate. That thing was four times bigger and more dangerous than any Dragon now escaping from its path, but I still needed Draco and Vyper if I had any chance of taking Evie back from the evil Sorcerer.

Come on Draco, please. Evie needs you. I need you. Help me get her back…

A prickly feeling rushed over my chest the next moment, and a new determination flowed into me. Running along the sand, Draco extended his wings and leapt into the sky after us. His form slightly wobbled as the fear he felt remained present, but he flapped his wings as fast as he could to catch up with us.

It was as though he had heard my silent plea. Like he could feel me.

“I won’t let that thing hurt you!” I swore to them over the wind, thankful they were going along with my crazy stunt.

Both Vyper and Draco nodded, confirming they believed me, although small whines still escaped the bluish-grey kid. He was crying.

“Go invisible!” I called to them, noticing the other creatures in the distance mimic the sky colors and briefly disappear from my sight. Just like it happened when Evie and I first rode the kids in San Francisco, their forms reappeared, the magic allowing me to see them because I was on Vyper.

When my gaze returned to the four-headed beast, I saw he hadn’t camouflaged like the others, could he not do that? Neither had he disappeared in the Sorcerer’s smoke, for which I was grateful. Perhaps he was too big, or he didn’t possess the ability. Hope captured my chest when I realized that gave us an advantage.

“Faster! Go as fast as you can!” I yelled to the kids. “We need to catch up with Evie.”

Their forms kind of bounced in the sky, and I looked back to find their tails curling up behind them. The flaps on the ends twisted. When they released, we lunged forwards and they used the momentum to soar the rest of the way. Paired with the fact that the beast was flying slower than they were, it helped us reach them in time. Perhaps being so massive and heavy was a disadvantage for the four-headed Dragon, or it could be that the kids were far smaller and more agile. Either way, I was taking advantage of that.

Unfortunately, it became harder for us to glide through the air due to the wild winds the monster’s wings stirred with each flap. It was like flying through a hurricane. “Hold on!”

With my voice, the kids pushed forward. Their heads lowered as though their horns guided the way, arms and legs closing around their body until they resembled bullets, and our flight through the harsh current became smother. I was briefly amazed by the complexity of these magnificent creatures, but reaching the colossal tail of the beast snapped me out of my reverence.

What the fuck did I do now?

My eyes swiftly searched ahead, seeing all four heads of the monster focused on its new path. He didn’t seem aware we were tailing him, literally. Couldn’t he sense us? Snapping sounds suddenly reached me, and I looked down to find Vyper trying to snatch one of the flaps on the monster’s tail with his sharp, fang looking teeth that might as well have been swords.

“Stop that!” I shouted, and two of the heads of the Dragon before us lifted, slowing turning to search the area around him. Fuck. He hadn’t sensed us yet, but he heard us.

Draco and Vyper immediately dropped in the air, hiding behind the monster’s rear. Every muscle in my form became rigid while we watched him search wide and high for the origin of the sound, but, thankfully, he didn’t see us. Okay, we needed to be far more careful next time, but what exactly was my plan?

When the kids hovered up once more, my eyes fell on long, golden hair swaying in the breeze and I was relieved to see that Evie hadn’t been harmed. However, the man in the demon mask still held her flushed against his body, one arm around her chest while the sharp end of his staff pressed against her neck. Anger swiftly replaced the relief I felt, and I wanted to rip the fucking mask off the man’s head and punch his lights out.

A simple idea formed in my mind. One of the kids just needed to distract the Sorcerer on one side as I went onto the other, somehow freed Evie, and got her on my Dragon. All while flying basically onto the monster’s back, hoping for him not to see us and attack, and for the evil dude not to shoot at us with his dark magic.