Nodding, I noticed the sun begin to illuminate the lake a deep gold as it hid on the horizon, and I gripped the harness tighter. She took the lead and Vyper faithfully followed.

“Not bad for your first flight,” Evie teased, jumping from Draco’s wing before he had fully lowered it to the ground.

I didn’t feel so adventurous, so I waited until Vyper fully lowered the wing before even thinking of stepping off his talon. If only. He pulled his wing back abruptly, forcing me to stumble onto the ground, almost face planting the grass.

“Hey!” I yelled back, turning to see his chest shaking with his raspy chuckles. Vyper was laughing at me.

“Watch out for that one, he has a mischievous streak.”

“You don’t say…” Glancing back, my eyes fell on the warrior beauty walking towards me. I suddenly couldn’t blame Josh for his reaction to her in that outfit, my entire body awoke for her, aching to feel her. “So, you are from a Dragon world,” I murmured when she stopped before me.

Worry entered her crystalline eyes. “Is that ok—?”

Gripping her waist, I yanked her towards me, my mouth reclaiming hers before she could finish. Evie gave fully into me, her arms wrapping around my neck, fingers slipping through my hair while my hands splayed over her back, enjoying every second.

The kiss ended, but I didn’t let go of her. “I don’t know why, or how, but I have dreamed of this place ever since I was a child,” I confessed, glancing into her eyes. “Every mountain, every lake is exactly as I have seen it… How is that possible?”

Something aching of remorse captured her expression. “I don’t have all the answers you seek or deserve, Braxton, because most of it I don’t even know myself. But I can tell you this. Your parents were one of us.”

“What?” I whispered, stepping back as my hands fell from her waist in shock.

“The world they raised you in, is not your own. This one is. That is why your blood is so rare there, and I believe, why you experienced that strange illness. Now that you are back among your kind, you won’t need anything else. No medications, no transfusions. You are home.”

Blinking, I tried to process her words, but the more I thought about it, the more my parents’ behavior growing up made sense. More than that, every part of me felt alive in this place. My body hummed as though recognizing my surroundings, they hummed to me too, welcoming me back.

Whether it made sense or not, I couldn’t deny it. This was where I belonged.

I was finally home.

Letting out a heavy breath, I closed the distance between Evie and I again, holding her face as my lips closed around hers. A sudden warmth reached us, and we broke the kiss to see that Draco and Vyper had laid on the grass a few steps away, tails curled around their bodies while a new campfire burned bright next to them.

Smiling, Evie took my hand, and pulled me with her to the entrance of the small cave on the other side of the fire lit for us. We sat inside, the sound of snores drifting fromthe kidsas they began to nap.

“Why did you call them kids before?” I questioned, pulling her to me and draping her in my embrace.

“Because they are,” she chuckled.


“They are not adult Dragons. More like teenagers.”

I glanced at her dubiously. “You mean to tell me that in their species, a fully grown creature is much larger than that? Vyper and Draco are huge.”

A naughty smirk curved her taunting pink lips. “See for yourself.” Puckering her lips, she whistled.

I was about to ask what that meant, when the two mountains at either side of the cave began to move. Slowly, what appeared to be green grass and dark soil turned to brown scales, and the two creatures lazily stretched, wings fluttering while their heads turned towards us.

Blowing them a kiss each, Evie waved at them. “Hello, lovelies. I just wanted to say hi. This is Braxton. He’s finally back home.”

Slitted yellow and red eyes focused on me, and the two Dragons wobbled their heads, as though saluting me, then glanced at her again.

“Sorry to have awakened you. Go back to sleep.”

“Holy hell,” I gasped, still frozen in place, seeing the two magnificent creatures curl up. Their scales shifted on their bodies as they once again camouflaged, and then they were mountains. Freaking mountains. “Holy hell,” I repeated.

Evie laughed. Her amusement travelled through me and my attention returned to her. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I’m invincible,” I answered, because I truly felt like that. The weakness that had once captured my being was gone. The aches and pains were gone, and my every muscle pulsated like raw energy was building in my core.