“I’m here.”

The next second Vyper was disappearing under me too. When it reached his neck, a strange sensation engulfed the hand that held him, and my body too disappeared. Blinking, I noticed my sight adjust, and I turned to see Evie and her greyish-blue Dragon in the same place they were before, but by Josh's swearing, they could no longer see us.


“Our Dragons can camouflage, mimicking their surroundings and becoming invisible to the naked eye,” she explained. “Thanks to a nifty spell, we do too while we ride them.”

A wicked grin tilted my lips, seeing her smile too. So freaking cool.

Her Dragon took to the skies.

“Woah!” I gasped, feeling Vyper lunge into the air, his wings taking us higher that I had ever been, and flying us across San Francisco.

I was flying on top of a Dragon.

On top. Of. A. DRAGON.

I had no way to describe it.

It was surreal.

When I looked down again, we were approaching Gray Whale Cove. I had half a mind to ask her why we were there, until the waters below us unexpectedly began to churn. I watched, stunned, as a tunnel opened in the middle of the spinning sea, and our winged-rides began to fly around—preparing to dive into it.

Holy Hell.

“Hold on. We are going through theEye of the World!” Evie called above the wild breeze the flapping wings created—slapping our hair and bodies—and leaned forwards on Draco’s neck, like she was silently asking him to go into the tunnel.

Draco dove for the sea, like a bullet searching its target.

“Holy Heeell!” My shout stretched when Vyper dove after her, approaching the churning tunnel at unimaginable speeds.

With one last glance at the world I knew, we plunged into the darkness, leaving my old life behind.

Wild winds engulfed my body again the next second and we burst out of the water on the other side—the world flipping underside up as we tore into the bright blue sky.

My head snapped down, heart racing a million miles per minute, and I finally understood Evie’s words before we crossed over—theEye of the World. Astounded, I watched as vibrant hues of pink, green, and yellow surrounded a crater, and with the lake in its center, it was the clear depiction of an eye. Its blue waters moved with the current towards the middle, creating channels on the sand below that made it look like an iris. The dark hole in its center was the pupil, the tunnel we had just come out of, waters still churning around it.

A portal.

TheEye of the Worldwas a portal between our worlds. It even had a few algae plants around the “pupil”, like the natural spots human eyes sometimes had.

“Welcome to my world!” Evie called, bringing my attention back to her. A brilliant smile curved her pink lips while the wind made her hair frantically sway behind her. “This is Caelisium, the Sky Paradise!”

Albeit reluctantly, I pulled my gaze from the beauty next to me and took in the new world before me. As I did, the dreams from my childhood became alive in my mind. Every color, every mountain, every lake… it all slammed into my reality, becoming one.

Relief like I had never felt coursed through my being as I glanced at the horizon. It was all connected. I wasn’t going crazy. It was real.

My grip tightened around the harness, while the stunning hues of the sunset—pink, purple, blue, and many other colors—bathed the land like brush strokes from an artist. Majestic mountains rose all around us, their vibrant green and dark blue foliage giving life to the land. Falling below me, my eyes followed the rushing grass, catching a herd of sheep eating from the pasture before they disappeared from my sight, and a glass-like surface replaced them.

The lake extended over the next several miles, as far as my eye could see, making the mountains look like they were floating on its waters while it reflected the darkening sky and clouds.

“Whoohoo!” Evie shouted, and I turned to see her let go of the harness. Her back arched when her arms stretched in the air, lifting her face to the sky in utter bliss.

Closing my eyes, I let go too, lifting my face as my arms extended. I had never felt so free in my life. “Whoohoo!” I bellowed too, hearing her laugh reverberate through my body.

Vyper wobbled in the air, and I yelped, holding on again while he jumped up and down from happiness. Laughing, I glanced at Evie to see her point somewhere between two upcoming mountains.

“We are losing sunlight, and it’s a long flight home! The kids won’t make it without resting, we should land for a bit.”