Rebecca’s hand slammed against the back of his head. Hard. “I swear to God, Josh. I’m going to kick your junk so hard, that you won’t be able to walk for a week!” She spoke in a tone that meant she was not to be tested. She had no more patience for him.

“Sorry, baby.”

Yet, my lips stretched into my first full smile since the injury. I could relate. “Evie...” I rasped, stretching a hand to her when she came to me.

“We are leaving now,” she promised, and looked back. “Vyper, Draco. Come out!”

When her gaze returned to me, I squeezed her hand. “The ring. Give it to me.”

Her golden hair swayed with the shake of her head. “I can’t risk it after what it did to you.” Her eyes went to my injury.

The ring hadn’t done this to me. “It wasn’t the ring,” I rasped. “It was the man with the demon mask.”

Blinking in shock, she reared back. “Raithian? How? What happened when you put on the ring, Braxton?”

The name triggered something in my mind, but I couldn’t quite grasp it.I shook my head, trying to clear it, everything was tangling up in my brain.

Uncomfortable with my request, she looked over her shoulder. “Gods! This isnotthe time to be shy. Show yourselves or I swear you’ll learn what it is to see me mad!” She barked at the hills.

Suddenly, the rocky walls behind her began to move, their colors changing from greyish black to a moss green, and a bluish-grey respectively.

“Shit. Shit. Shit!” Josh staggered back, pulling Rebeca behind him to protect her with his body. “What the fuck is going on?!”

“Oh, my God. They are so freaking awesome!” Rebecca squealed in excitement behind him.

When my head returned to the moving hills, I saw eyes opening, horns appearing, and two Dragons slowly made their way to us, seeming intimidated by the strangers. One was the green one I’d seen in what I could now only describe as a vision. When their gazes found me beside Evie, concern filled them, and they inched their way to me, heads low—like a puppy would seeking your attention.

My eyes returned to her. “The ring…” I pleaded. “I need it.” I didn’t know why, but now that I saw the real, fire breathing, fully scaled Dragons, I felt an urgent call to the golden band.

“Why?” Evie asked, concerned.

“My mother’s last wish was for me to come with you and to—” My breath caught as the venom throbbed on the right side of my head. “To put on the ring. Give memyring.”

Understanding flooded her expression, and something told me she knew something about fulfilling a loved one’s last wish.

“Stop freaking out!” Rebecca hissed in the background, while I watched Evie reach into her cleavage, and pull out the golden band.

She’d stored the Dragon ring between her breasts for safe keeping, and now I liked it even more.

“What?! Why aren’tyoufreaking out? There are actual Dragons in front of us!” Josh argued as Evie looked at the band in her hands.

“She confessed to me that she wasn’t from this world last night, and I knew she told the truth. No girl would dare lie over a mani pedi bonding. It’s sacred.”

Taking a calming breath, as though Evie feared giving me the ring would be my undoing, she lifted my left hand, sliding it onto my finger. The second it touched my skin, it glowed, though not as brightly as it had done the first time.

A rush of what felt like power from the earth itself coursed through me, and the pain instantly vanished. With a loud gulp of air, I jerked up, kneeling on the sand from the rush of energy that suddenly captured my every cell. My head lifted, but not to look at Evie. Instead, it went to the greyish-blue Dragon trying to smell me.

I reached for him, and the second I touched his leathery skin, a soothing sensation spread through my right cheek. The feeling engulfed each vein, stretching both to my neck and the top of my head.

“It’s gone…” Evie gasped, cradling my face.

“What in the actual fuck?”

“Amazing!” both Josh and Rebecca added, but my attention was still on the Dragon.

Something told me he’d been the one to heal me. I wasn’t sure how I knew that, but I felt stronger than I had in a long time. Standing, I placed my other hand on his forehead, and his eyes closed, enjoying my touch just like a puppy would.

“Unreal.” I chuckled, stroking his forehead. When my attention returned to Evie, there was confusion and relief in her eyes. I kissed her, wanting to erase the worry she had experienced.