“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you to the airport?” Josh asked, speeding over the Golden Gate Bridge with Rebecca by his side. She turned on her seat to check on me, offering me a kind but worrisome smile.

“When you get to the north end, go right into the rounded area there,” Evie answered without taking her eyes away from me as we sat in the back, my head resting on her lap. Her hand gently touched the dark veins that sprouted from my right cheek, slowly clawing their way to my neck.

The pain had somewhat subsided, but there was a throbbing sensation on my face that barely allowed me to think.

“We are almost there,” she whispered to me, her eyes glistening with ache and fear as I looked it into them. “Almost.” Kissing my lips gently, she leaned away.

My hand went to her hair, where the white rose was once again poised. To others it might be just a flower, but not to me, and I loved that she hadn’t been able to leave it behind.

I attempted to smile, but I wasn’t sure I was able. Pulling her to me, I kissed her again, relishing in the feel of her lips against mine. I just wanted to kiss her until everything else disappeared.

“To the small rounded area?” Josh mumbled, clearly confused.

“There!” Rebecca shouted, pointing him in the right direction.

“To the Vista Point parking lot?? How are you going to take him to New Zealand from there?” He sounded utterly baffled. “Hey, love birds. I’m talking to you!”

“Just do it!!” Both Rebecca and Evie shouted at him, and he glanced back, frowning uncomfortably.

“Fine, but there’s no need to bite my head off. I don’t like when women gang up on me. It makes me nervous.”

A chuckle escaped me, and I immediately regretted it as the tentacles tightened around my head, feeling like they were trying to grip my brain.

“Shh… It’s okay. It will soon all be okay,” Evie promised, kissing my forehead as I let my eyes fall closed, trying to withstand the pain that reawakened. “Don’t stop!” she ordered. “Take that dirt path and go down until there is no more road to follow.

I felt the car wobble over the uneven terrain as he followed her instructions, my head swaying on Evie’s lap while I felt myself slowly being pulled by the dark. The venom was winning. Soon after, the sound of doors opening and closing echoed in the distance, and strong hands slipped under my arms, pulling me out of the car.

“Stay awake, buddy. Stay awake,” Josh pleaded, carrying me. “Damn, you are heavy,” he mumbled, fixing his arms around me as he began to climb down the uneven terrain, following Evie and Rebecca, I assumed.

When I was able to pull my eyes open again, we were under the Golden Gate Bridge’s north tower. A small beach lay in front of us as Josh sat me against a boulder, the Marin County hills serving as our back wall. It was the same place from the image that had flashed before my glowing eye.

“The Dragons…” I whispered when Evie came to my side, gently checking on the strange bruise on my cheek.

“I know.” She kissed my lips and ran behind a large split from the hill, hiding behind it.

“I don’t understand,” Josh called after her, holding his knees to try to catch his breath after having to carry me down. “Do you have a boat? Are you going to sail back to New Zealand? That sounds counterproductive.”

“Stop!” Rebecca chided, smacking his chest.

“Why aren’t you questioning her too?! I know she stayed with you after going by the Subway looking for Brax, but he needs help ASAP!” he hissed back.

She shrugged. “We bonded over mani pedis. She’s my girl.”

“I have Dragons!” Evie yelled from behind the rocky wall, and my head wobbled towards her.

“Dragons…” I confirmed, fighting to keep my eyes open.

“Damn it! Sheiscrazy,” Josh mumbled in dismay. “So much for Ebrax.”

“Stop it!” Rebecca smacked his chest again, both their heads turning to the rock.

Slowly blinking, I tried to focus as Evie walked out, wearing a sexy leather outfit that made my mind wake right up, just so it could create some naughty fantasies. My breath halted for a moment.

Holy Hell.

“Holy Shit,” Josh echoed. “It’s Xena the Warrior Princess.” He slowly turned to me; eyes wide. “I think I just came.”