My eye is glowing?I wanted to ask, but I was too busy witnessing the impossible.

A group of Dragons lifted from the earth, with me among them, taking flight like a flock of birds would, only to vanish in the sky between the hues of pink, orange, blue, purple, and red, bursting through the clouds. And then we were gone from sight, like we had never even been there, but I could still see them flying alongside me.

“I can see them,” I panted, my heart slamming against my chest a million miles a minute, but it all seemed so real.

“See what?” Evie asked anxiously.

“The Dragons…” I whispered, overwhelmed by it all. “I can see the Dragons.”

The scene changed to the Golden Gate Bridge. My gaze lowered to the small beach directly below one of the towers, to find a much smaller one, a green Dragon with a horn on his forehead, mischievous eyes, and something resembling a fin that protruded off his head. It extended the length of his neck, making him seem like a punk rocker.

A strange sound escaped me as I watched him spit small balls of fire to the bases of the bridge. It was something between a roar and huff, yet it definitely sounded like I was scolding him or telling him to stop, but I wasn’t really me.

A chuckle escaped my mouth, the green Dragon seemed rebellious.

“Your eye is glowing,” Evie insisted, standing me in front of the mirror.

Just as I was yanked from under the bridge, and the scene changed, my sight fell on my reflection to see her shocked face next to mine. She was right. My left eye was glowing almost as brightly as the ring, except, it was glowing gold.


My words cut off when the cave I’d been in when I went blind at work returned, but the image wasn’t hazy anymore. Each detail was incredibly clear, and I saw the thousands of chains that kept me prisoner, a green energy running through its links to keep me from escaping.

Magic. Evil Magic…

When the thought entered my mind, rage like I had never experienced coursed through my veins, and I roared, fire erupting from my mouth. A green glow appeared across from me, stopping my attack, and as the flare receded, a man walked in my direction. His face was hidden by an iron mask that made him seem like he had the sharp teeth of a beast but no mouth, and two demon horns protruded from the top. The holes where his eyes should be, glowed the same eerie green as his magic.

Raising his staff, the crystal on it illuminated the entire space, and he whirled around, thrusting the staff towards me. A green fire sphere flew straight to my head, exploding on my cheek.

Roaring bellowed from my chest.


“Aaah!!” The scream ripped from deep within my throat with the agony, and I fell to the floor, my back arching in pain. I felt Evie tear the ring from my finger, breaking the strange connection that had formed.

“Braxton?” she called again, quickly throwing the black dress over her body and covering herself. “Help!” Evie yelled.

Carefully, her hands cradled my head while the pain somewhat receded, but the feeling of the magical attack spread like vines of venom along the right side of my face.

I couldn’t answer her.

Leaving me, I saw her silhouette run to the door, yanking it open. “Help! Anyone!!”

“Holy Shit! What happened to him?!” Josh’s voice reached me first. His question was echoed by Mrs. Reyes, Jose and his wife, and even Rebecca.

“It’s his illness,” Evie desperately told them, that being the only explanation she could give. “He was sleeping and woke up screaming. That appeared on his face.”

“Oh, my God. That thing is going to kill him,” Rebecca whispered, dismayed.

“I can help him,” Evie offered. “There is someone back home with the same rare blood type he has. I can save him, but Ihaveto take him with me.”

“To New Zealand?” Josh asked, the shock clear in his voice.

“No, you can’t take him!” Mrs. Reyes cried, kneeling next to me. “Brax, look at me, please,” she begged, holding my hand.

Trembling from the remnants of the pain, I tried to blink, focusing on her.

“Please,” Evie begged too. “Josh, you have to believe me. This is why I came back. I found someone who is willing to help him. But I have to take him there.”