He didn’t have the ring when he was a child because his father left it behind, but I had brought it to him. It hung from his chest as he healed. How? What did the ring do other than recognize his father’s essence? It glowed with Braxton too, so whatever the jewel’s ability was, it was working for him.

“For gods’ sake!” I complained again, turning once more to glance out the window. I had so many questions, and no one left who had actually known the Harbinger of Justice, no one who had fought with him to answer them.

I never wished my aunt was still with me as much as I did in that moment. She knew. She could tell me what I was monumentally missing. She knew the Harbinger, she had been his friend, she had fought with him and my parents’ side by side—not just her. My eyes widened, almost rolling out of their sockets as another realization hit me.


Rushing to the armoire, I pulled out my warrior outfit and boots and got dressed. Five minutes later I burst into my guardian’s room, jumping on his bed.


“What? What is happening?” he asked, lunging off the mattress, startled, but he recognized my voice faster than anyone else could have.

In retrospect, I probably should have knocked. I was glad he hadn’t attacked me thinking there was danger.

“I’m sorry to barge in like this, but I need your help.”

The concern left him, and curiosity filled his expression as he sat beside me. “What is it?”

Hesitation held my voice for a few moments, and his concern returned, yet I hadn’t lied before—I trusted this man more than anything. More than anyone. “I’m going to entrust you with something, but you have to swear to me on your honor that you will not tell a single soul.”

“I would never—”

“Not even Willow.”

Kingston looked at me baffled, and a bit hurt. “Princess, she would never betray you. Willow—”

“I know, but I can’t tell her yet. Not until I know for sure what it is that I’ve discovered. Which is why I need your help.”

He finally nodded in understanding. “What can I do for you, my princess?”

“You knew the Harbinger of Justice, correct?”

“Cursed be his—”

My hand fell on his mouth, stopping him. “You can curse him another time, right now, please just answer the question.

Frowning, Kingston nodded.

“Good. How important was his ring to him? The Dragon ring?”

Liberating his mouth from my hand, he blinked, looking into the past. “As important as his life. He never took it off.”

“Then why would my aunt have it?” I questioned, seeing my logic illuminate his eyes. “Why would he leave it behind when he left us?”

“I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know the actual reason. But I do know your parents gave it to her for safe keeping, in case something happened to them.”

“So, the ring wasn’t only important to him, but to my family too?” I asked, disconcerted.

Kingston nodded. “What does that have to do with what you have to tell me?”

“I think everything.” Taking his hand, I held it between both of mine. “When I went to the Mirror World, I found out he was dead, but what I didn’t tell you is how I discovered it.”


“His son told me.”

“The Harbinger of Justice had a son?!” Kingston screeched, standing from the bed. “How do you know this?”