“I wanna know more.”

“Okay. Um, he told me Dragons loved us, so they sought to be close to us. Resting in the valleys and lakes, they became part of nature so they could always be there for us, protecting us.” My hand began to idly stroke her hair and back when she snuggled closer, but my gaze never left the poster. “I used to imagine what that world could be like, and I even dreamed of being one of them, flying through the sky.”

A chuckle escaped me, remembering the times when my family was still whole.

“As soon as I awoke, I would always tell Dad every detail of my wild dreams, and not once did he shut them down as nothing more than fantasies. I knew he worried about me, but he always listened, eager to hear what new adventure I’d experienced, never judging, just enjoying my imagination. Maybe he did it to soften the truth of my illness, because it was too much to bear, but I appreciated that he was there for me.”

My finger curled around the natural wave in Suzie’s strand.

“He used to say that one day we would find the Dragons together, when I was big and strong like him—”

A soft knock came at the door at that moment, and I looked up to find Mrs. Reyes carefully pushing it open. “Sorry to wake you,” she whispered. “Have you seen my…” Her voice drifted when the glittering dinosaur called her attention.

As I looked down, I found Suzie passed out in my embrace. The sight made me smile.

Mrs. Reyes just shook her head, walking to my bed. “How did I know she was here?”

“Because no woman can resist my charm and devilish good looks?”

Her chest quivered with her silent chuckle. “Or maybe you just haven’t showered, and the stink made her pass out.”

“It’s possible,” I added, grinning and carefully lifting her daughter so she could carry her. “She asked me to tell her a story and wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“Yeah, that sounds like my girl.” Taking her in her arms, she walked to the door, but turned before stepping out. “Thank you for helping. Sometimes I don’t know what I would do without you and the others.”

“Any time… Did you have any luck today?”

The smile died on her lips with the shake of her head. “No. Apparently no one is hiring women my age. They all want young waitresses with short skirts and big boobs.”

“I bet you could pull off a mini skirt.”

She narrowed her eyes at me, shaking her head while her comment weighed on my chest.

Rosa was only a couple of years over forty, but most places wanted to attract a young crowd and that meant a younger staff. Every day since getting laid off, she had been out there, going all over the city and applying for anything she could find in hopes of getting another job, only to return home empty handed. She’d been working in restaurants for over twenty years, but unfortunately, experience didn’t seem to matter anymore.

“Goodnight,” I offered, getting off the bed so I could close the door, but as I approached, her gaze filled with concern.

“How long until you can get a day off? You look drained.” Her hand reached for my dark circles, but I cautiously stepped back.

“Oh, that’s nothing. I’m good. This is the last week I need to cover for the manager, and then it will be back to normal. Don’t worry.”

Hesitantly, she nodded, a hand soothingly stroking Suzie’s back while she regarded me. “I’m going to make you a sturdy breakfast tomorrow, you need your strength.”

* * *

Stepping down from the bus, I crossed the street and made my way towards Serene Valley, the place that for the last few years had become Mom’s home. Before reaching the reception, I glanced at myself in the mirror, making sure the concealer covered the dark skin under my eyes. I didn’t need my mom worrying about me, or Grace asking why I looked so tired in front of her.

“Hi, Lizzy,” I greeted one of the girls at the desk.

“Hey, Brax. Came to see your mom? Grace said you might come by.”

Offering a small smile, I nodded.

“Nice. They are in the east sunroom.”


I followed the hallway that led to the large, wraparound screened porch the receptionist had sent me to, opening the French doors to the outside. As I walked along the vast space that extended the entire right side of the building, my eyes swiftly found my mother. She was sitting on one of the glider benches, with Grace on the rocking chair by her side.