Taking a deep breath, I smiled at him in appreciation, then turned to Vyper. “Let’s go.”
With a nod, he also lifted himself, and I ran to him. Jumping, I stepped onto the tip of his wing when it lowered, and I let him thrust me onto his back with his next flap—just like I had taught him. Landing crouched on him, I settled on his neck, gripping the riding gear around his neck with my shielded arm.
“Let’s go home, boys!”
Our forms vanished in plain sight when their Dragon forms mimicked the night sky, and we flew once around the cove, seeing the portal instantly recognize my Dragons’ essence. The sea slowly began to swirl, parting with each turn, until a clear path to its depths opened for us. I leaned forwards as we flew around again, motioning with my body for Vyper and Draco to fly into theEye of the World, but they didn’t.
Rearing back, Vyper took off even higher, defying me.
“Vyper, what are you doing?” I yelled over the noise the flapping of his wings created, my hair flying every which way with the wild winds. Draco followed, and they both took yet another flight around the portal.
“This isn’t the time for games!” I chided, seeing the kids exchange a glance, and Draco whined yet again, rubbing his chest.
My eyes watered with his pain, and for a moment, I hated our connection.
“Fine! I don’t want to leave,” I yelled at them as we flew so high that we reached the clouds. “I don’t want to leavehim, but our people need us, and I can’t stay here,” I confessed, knowing they had seen us together when they came for me to the beach. “I have wasted too much time looking for someone who cannot help us, and I’m afraid they might not be safe anymore. I need to make sure they are still protected. Please, take us home!”
Pain clogged my throat with the truth, but I hardened myself to it. It would all be in the past soon. Only a memory to behold. Draco and Vyper exchanged another glance, and the next second they dove for the sea, plummeting through the air, and heading straight for the portal.
Bye, Braxton… thank you for tonight.