Nuzzling my cheek and jaw, he took a settling breath.

“I think, you have never been this honest or open with anyone else either, because you are too worried it means you are not strong enough to help them, to protect them... But you are so much stronger than you even realize,” he added barely above a whisper, his warm breath fanning my ear. “I just want to forget everything else, and relish the way it feels to be here with you right now. Don’t you?”

I gave in to him.

My back fell against his chest, because that was exactly what I wanted. To be there with him. I wanted to revel in the feeling of him before I left. Turning, my hands reached for his face and I pulled him down to me, our mouths coming together once more.

The second he felt me kiss him, he took over, wrapping me in his arms as he laid us down on the sand. His strong body rested over mine while our forms naturally curved around the other.

For the first time in my life, I didn’t think, didn’t worry, didn’t pretend to have it all figured out and perfectly under control. Everything disappeared but him, and I was content to just feel him kissing me, erasing the ache in my chest, if only while I was there, with him.

Braxton’s arms cradled me once the kiss ended, and I rested my cheek on his chest again, remaining there with him while the sun lowered on the horizon, changing the colors of the earth. All I had wanted before was to let go and fall into his arms. No words needed. Just to be held by him in silence, and that was exactly what he gave me.

I knew it wouldn’t last, but while I lay there with him, listening to lazy waves and the soothing beats of his heart, the weight of the world lifted from my shoulders. It was just him and I, like he’d promised, and something told me that would be enough to give me strength again.

* * *

The bright moonlight glow swayed above the restless waters of the bay while I discarded the clothes that had helped me get by in this world, and changed back into my warrior outfit.

Tightening the straps of my leather bodysuit, I pulled up my leather boots, and locked the armor plates to my knees and shins while Vyper and Draco fussed in the background.

“Stop it,” I warned, hearing them both grumble their discontent. They didn’t want to leave.

I reached for the belt and draped it around my waist, securing the golden wing-shaped plates that curled around both hips, and walked to where my arm shield lay. With each step, the leather bands that hung from it like a skirt opened, revealing my legs, and the sight brought a small smile to my face.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have checked you out like that…”

“...They are just legs.”

A deep ache captured my chest when the image of Braxton peacefully sleeping on the sand returned to me. We had fallen asleep in each other's arms in the empty cove, and a part of me wished I was still in his embrace.

Slipping away from his arms, I had kissed him goodbye, and walked to the other side of the beach. I saw his eyes briefly search for me when he awoke, but he would never find me. I stood behind Draco’s tail, camouflaged to the rocky hill. The kids had flown to meet me there after sensing me by the portal to our world.

It was the middle of the night now, and Braxton was already gone, but glancing at the place where we had shared so much, I held on to the memory.

“Come on, guys. It’s time to go back home,” I called to them after securing the arm shield to my right arm.

I expected Draco to come eagerly to my side—as usual—but to my surprise, he whined, pressing closer to the mountain. Confused, I glanced towards Vyper, who also remained by the wall, except he was growling at me like he wanted to fight.

Sighing, I walked towards them, stopping only a few feet away. “Okay, I know you like it here. Why wouldn’t you? You did nothing but lay on the beach, bathing in the bay, and ate fish to your hearts’ desire, but this was always temporary. I’m sorry, but we can’t stay.”

Draco slumped on the sand, refusing to move, while Vyper’s growling became stronger.

“Okay, enough!” I barked at them, letting them know I meant business. “Vyper, you better stop growling at me this instant and show me some respect, or you are going to learn what it is to see me really mad.”

He immediately stopped, but blew a ball of fire to the rock, letting me know he wasn’t happy about it.

Shoulders drooping, I lifted my hand to him, calling for his head to lower so I could soothe him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you a rider here. I hoped to find him, but it couldn’t be helped,” I admitted, and his head lower to my palm, letting me pet him. “I’ll get you one once we get back home. There are plenty of people who would be happy to fly with you.”

His eyes fell closed when I stroked the small horn protruding from the middle of his forehead, and he lifted his head, appeased once again.

My attention shifted to my grayish blue scaled baby. “Now, why is it you don’t want to leave?”

Another whine left his mouth, but this one came accompanied by the lifting of his hand to his chest, and he rubbed it. His message was clear, he could feel me hurting. He didn’t want to leave because he knew I didn’t want to either.

Lifting my arms, I walked towards him, calling him to me too. My palms caressed his cheeks when he came to my side, unable to resist me. He was such a sweetheart. “I know, baby. I’m sad, but not because I want to stay. My heart hurts because I miss my home,” I lied. “I want to go back; will you take me to our family please?”

Observing me for a moment, he processed my words, as though trying to make sure that was truly the cause of my sadness. His wings finally opened, and he began to flap them, lifting himself off the ground.