“Braxton?” I called, cradling his face. That pulled his attention away from the Dragon ring. It wasn’t glowing anymore, seeming dormant.

Silently, Braxton searched my eyes, and my chest constricted. Part of me wished I had the answers he sought, but of one thing I was certain. He was healing faster than he normally did. The disconcert in his expression told me so.

Swallowing, he shook his head. “I’m sorry, I was just keeping it for you,” he answered, going back to our previous conversation. When he reached for the chain, attempting to remove it, I quickly placed my hands on his to stop him.

“You keep it. It’s yours now.”

Confusion weaved into his expression, but there were also traces of excitement. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Picking up the garment that had fallen from his grip, I pressed it to his chest. “Now, you asked if I wanted to go somewhere with you… I do,” I reminded him.

The mesmerizing smile returned, illuminating his kind green eyes and sending my heart into a frenzy. After tugging on the shirt, he grabbed the food box and my hand, taking me outside.

We stopped by a large, scary looking, red iron beast. Pulling the keys out of his pocket, Braxton opened the door for me.

“Oh, no.” Blond strands of hair flew around my cheeks as I adamantly shook my head, trying to swallow—my stomach was lodged in my throat. “I’mnotgetting into that thing.”

Puzzlement creased his brows. “Are you scared of cars?”

“How dare you?!” I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m not scared of anything.”

Smirking, he opened the door for me. “Good, then get in.”

The tall grey buildings and busy roads disappeared swiftly while I glanced out the window, the scenery changing to smaller structures, green grass, and a perfect view of the coast. Every inch of me sat rigid on the seat of the iron beast, but even if I hated to admit it, it was awfully comfortable in there. Cars weren’t as small as I imagined, though definitely tiny compared to the bus I had ridden.

The ride was smooth and tranquil, regardless of the speed of our travel, but I supposed there was something to be said about the company. My gaze briefly fell to the hand that rested on my thigh, enveloping my own. Braxton’s touch had definitely taken most of the tension I’d felt getting into this thing, even if I still felt somewhat suffocated.

After riding on the back of a Dragon through the open sky, being locked in a car just seemed… wrong.

Warmth filtered through me while Braxton’s thumb idly stroked my skin, his gesture caring and soothing. Our fingers intertwined as he held me, and I tried hard to find discomfort in the act. I couldn’t. A part of me—the logical side—told me this wasn’t normal. It berated me for showing weakness to someone I didn’t know. Someone I couldn’t trust.

How could I feel so at ease, so comfortable with a guy I had just met?

The other side of me wanted to fall into his arms. No talking. No promises. Just to be held by him in silence. I wanted to pretend for just one moment that the fate of an entire world, of my race, wasn’t on my shoulders.

Closing off to the thought, I stopped it from invading my being, and pulled my hand away from his.

Braxton turned to me, confusion and a bit of hurt filtering into his features. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disrespect you or—”

“You didn’t,” I assured, and turned to the window, avoiding his gaze. I couldn’t look at the hurt in his eyes because I felt it too. “Are we almost there?”


My every cell begged for his touch again, for his comfort, but I just couldn’t allow myself to fall into that trap. I didn’t need solace, I needed strength for what was to come. It was a dangerous game to wish I wasn’t the last Skyborne left. I was, and nothing was ever going to change that.

“Evanna?” Braxton called. “I’m sorry I was so handsy with you. It’s just, you seemed stressed and it’s kind of hard to resist thisthingthrumming between us… I just have this urge to touch you, to hold your hand.”

“I know,” I answered with a sigh, understanding him better than he could even imagine. “I’ve never experienced this,” I confessed, forcing my attention to remain on the horizon while a sour feeling captured my throat. “Normally, I don’t allow anyone to touch me, or to show such tenderness towards me…” I stopped myself, taking a deep breath. “Where I come from that is a sign of weakness. Not because I am a woman, but because it implies I need someone to care for me.”

Unable to resist it anymore, I turned to face him, glancing into his honest eyes. “I am all my people have left. I can’t afford to be weak.”

I knew he was trying to understand, but I doubted he could.

Remaining silent, he pulled the car into an empty lot and turned it off, focusing on the beach that spanned before us on the other side of the glass.

“I don’t really know what you are going through, or what your family expects from you. But I know a thing or two about being strong when it feels like the entire world is crumbling around you,” Braxton admitted, looking into my eyes again. “I know what it feels like not to allow others to see what’s really inside you.”

Opening the door, he stepped out, and I followed his advance until he stopped on the other side of my door, opening it for me. He offered both hands to me, a kind smile tilting his lips.