My eyes kept shifting to the mirror on the far wall, which reflected the inside of the subway car where Evanna was sitting. My stomach was in knots, and I kind of needed to pee, but I didn’t think that had anything to do with her. Still, knowing she was waiting for me and I couldn’t be there was making me crazy.

I had literally never hated my job until that moment.

What the fuck was wrong with me? Now that she had finally stopped running away, and talked to me, I just wanted to be next to her. What a loser. Cracking my neck while accepting the guy’s payment, I turned around yet again, seeing her peek out of the subway car—looking for me.

My lips stretched into a grin the moment our eyes met, and I chided myself for letting my friends get into my head. She was not going to ask me out, was she? Damn it. What if she did? No. I had no business getting involved with anyone seeing as my health issues were about to get much worse.

“Hi,” she greeted again, stopping by the counter.

“I’m sorry it’s taking so long. Do you have to go?”

Her eyes widened and she adamantly shook her head. “No, I’ll wait as long as it is needed. This is important.”

Yet, if she wasn’t here to ask me out, what did she want from me?

A job…my mind suggested, and I frowned, handing the change to the last person in line and calling back the order to Josh.


The muscles tensed along my back and abs, refusing the idea. To be honest, I didn’t think Mr. Di Rossi was interested in hiring girls, no idea why, but if he did, it would be agony working next to that beauty. I wasn’t sure I would come out alive.

“I was wondering... Could I get another of those things I ate?”

“A sandwich? Yes, of course.” Concerned furrow my brows. “Are you still hungry?”

“No. It’s not for me. It’s for my friend.” She didn’t offer anything else, except for reaching into the pockets of the sweatpants she wore, and placing the dollar fifty she had left on the counter. “Here’s my offering.”

She was so freaking cute.

“Okay. Do you want a drink with that too? To go?”

Evanna nodded excitedly, and I took the money she’d offered though it wasn’t enough to even pay for a regular coffee. I didn’t want her to get insulted. Turning, I asked Josh to help with the sandwich and prepared a regular café latte. It was a safe bet since I assumed her friend might not have eaten recently either, and I wasn’t sure what her or his taste was.

Once I covered the coffee with a lid, and placed the sandwich in a bag, I handed them to her, and watched her step out of the café. My gaze followed her through the glass wall, to see her cross the street and walk to the corner, giving the food to a homeless man who sat there.

I wasn’t going to lie, it floored me. Seeing her treat a stranger with such kindness, handing the sandwich to him with the same care I had taken with her, spoke louder about who Evanna was than a thousand words.

She said something to him, and he hugged her, watching her leave while she returned to my side. The man began to eat the sandwich like it was a gift sent from God. Perhaps it was.

My gaze connected with Nick’s, who smiled at me, moved by her gesture too.

“This one is on me,” Josh whispered behind me, handing me a twenty-dollar bill to cover both sandwiches and the latte. Thank God, cause all I had left was my bus fare until I got paid again. “Now, you better land that chick, because I don’t spend money on dudes.”

Chuckling, I turned to take a new order while my gaze followed Evanna back to her table.

Twenty minutes later, I glanced beyond the register and realized the breakfast rush had finally ended, which would give us a good two hours before the lunch rush began.

“Cover for me here?” I asked Josh, since he was the only other person with access to the register.

With his nod, I rushed to the back, going into the employee restroom. Once finished, I gave myself a quick wash and put on fresh deodorant and cologne, throwing on a new uniform shirt without caramel macchiato all over it. Logging onto the computer for a fifteen-minute break, I stepped out once more.

Holy hell. My stomach flipped the moment I stepped into the subway car with Evanna, sitting before her at the table. It was so stupid, but yeah, she had my pulse jumping.

“So, how can I help?” I asked, remembering too late that the last time I had asked her that, she’d flipped out on me. “I mean…” My voice vanished when I saw her pull a long necklace from under her sweater, removing it.

The clinking of the chain as it fell on the table echoed around us in the partially enclosed space, but my eyes were glued to the ring that hung from it. I had never seen anything like it. A blue glow emitted from the gold band, which resembled a Dragon curled around the space where the finger would fit.

It was flat out impressive, but what called my attention the most was how it was illuminated. Involuntarily, I reached for it. It’s light somehow called to me, but before my fingers could reach it, my attention was pulled to Evanna as she knelt before me.