“Hey, that’s coming out of your paycheck!” I called after him before he could leave, referring to the two drinks he had taken.

Jogging back, he placed a fifty on the counter. “Keep the change.” He gestured like he was some kind of mafia boss and I snorted.

“You bet I will.” I slipped the bill in my back pocket and his eyes widened.

“No, wait! I was kidding. I need the change for the movie theater parking.”

Smirking, I charged the coffees and handed him the difference.

“Ooh, it looks like you officially have an admirer,” Josh murmured, halting the moment his gaze fell on the girl that stood on the other side of the glass wall.

“Or a stalker,” Peter countered, returning to the counter. “She’s passed by every afternoon for the past week.”

“I call dibs!” Sam yelled from behind me and we chuckled.

My attention shifted to the blonde while she walked by the door, throwing sly glances inside, and looking at something in her hand.

“Damn, and she’s hot too.” Sam whistled in appreciation.

Sighing, I threw the towel on the counter, and walked around it to go ask her what she needed. The guys were right, I’d seen her pass by a few times since that first day she came in, but never came inside after that.

“Go get her, tiger!” Josh called after me, planting his butt at the bar to get a front row seat to whatever was happening here. Rebecca snickered next to him.

Walking out, I caught the blonde on her way back to the door, but stopped in her tracks the second she saw me. Clearly startled by my presence, she whirled around and rushed to the corner, hiding behind it. Unfortunately for her, the corner wall was also glass, so I could still see her.

My lips twitched when I noticed her peaking at me and then stepped back. Making my way to the corner, I faced her again.

She gasped.

“Can I help you?” I asked, confused by her behavior.

“How dare you? Ido notneed your help!” she answered, apparently insulted, and left. She just left me there, standing in the corner as she crossed the street.

Scratching my head, I glanced after her, perplexed, but shrugged it off and reentered the café.

“Okay, so she might seem a bit cray-cray, but also, that was kind of cute if you think about it.”

I threw a warning glance at Rebecca while I walked around the counter again.

“What did you say to her?” Sam asked.

“Can I help you?” I repeated, shrugging.

“Oh, wow.” Josh huffed sarcastically. “I’m surprised she didn’t faint.”

“That was some line right there,” Peter agreed. “She should have thrown herself at your feet and everything.”

Fully giving them the evil eye, I leaned a hip against the cabinet.

“Just hear me out,” Rebecca defended, ignoring the other two. “It’s obvious she’s just overwhelmed because she is, super attracted to you, but doesn’t know how to open the lines of communication. Hot guys are intimidating,” she explained, playing with a lock of her hair, and sipping her frap. “Besides, she’s really pretty, and has auniquestyle with the jean shorts, orange boots and that sweater—Fine, so she needs fashion advice, that’s not a crime.”

“Stop it,” I warned her while the others chuckled.

“I’m serious. She might just be trying to find the courage to talk to you, but can’t. Not all girls are brave enough to ask guys out.”

I tried to ignore Rebecca’s mumbo jumbo, I really did, but my attention returned to the glass wall that overlooked the street. There she was again. The blonde had crossed the street back to us. Damn it. I really didn’t need this right now. I had too much to worry about as it was, including my illness and my mother’s mental health, to add a crazy girlfriend to the mix.

Wait. Who the hell says she is going to be my girlfriend?! Arrg!