Page 38 of Throttle

“That’s not even the worst of it,” she continues. “Drake is an opportunist. He figured out who Haisley’s father was and used that to his advantage. He became as big in the stock car circuit as she was. He name-dropped and rode her success. She broke up with him after finding out he was cheating, not once but about three separate times.”

“So, what is he doing back now? What does he want? Because he sounded like he was out to make her pay for something,” I interject.

Elle nods her head and scrunches her face. “You’re right about that. Once the scandal broke, or so he made it out to sound like, he was fired from his public relations job with the race team. He basically was embarrassed that stock car’s princess, a term she hates by the way, destroyed his career, what little of one he had.”

“But I don’t understand why he wants revenge or whatever now?”

“Me neither. I saw the way she responded the day he walked back in. Also, Haisley is excessively big on keeping her father out of any discussion about her successes,” Elle adds.


“She has her reasons, and they are hers to tell,” Elle responds. “Anyway, the reason I’m speaking with you is to see if you’ve noticed any changes with her?”

“Not many. She's always been quiet around the crew. Should there be something I need to worry about?”

“No. I don’t think so. Haisley is a tough woman. She doesn’t scare easily, and Drake’s reappearance is just another fork in the road so to say. Thanks for letting me talk,” she remarks.

“Thanks for letting me know what you did. It’ll stay confidential between us,” I assure her.

“Great. I should get back to the RV before she wakes up. What time is qualifying?”

“She’s slated for about four-forty,” I confirm.

“Great, see you then.” Elle exits the hauler just as Bud appears. Wonderful.

“You fucking her, too?” he inquires.

“Ah, there’s your old self. For your knowledge, I am not, but your statement implies I’m fucking someone else” I retort.

“I see the way you look at Haisley.” He tries to get me into a trap.

“You’re seeing things, old man. I care about the car and winning. I have no intention of sleeping with her or her cousin. If you don’t mind, I have work to do, since you don’t do your own job.” I exit the office area and head back to the garage.


“Fifteen is good,” I relay into the radio. Haisley’s qualifying time placed her in fifteenth for the race.

“I wanted higher,” she barks back.

“Well, let’s just work on placement in the race, huh?” I respond as she pulls the car into the pits. I watch from on top of the pit box as she gets out of the car. Mac and the rest of the pit crew take care of the car.

I jump down and meet her at the bottom. “You were fine,” I assure her.

“Sure. You’re paid to say that,” she bites back.

“I’m sure you know me better than that by now. I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

Haisley rolls her eyes and smiles. “Whatever.”

I nudge her shoulder. “Come on, I’ll walk you back to the hauler.” She nods, and we begin to walk. “So, why are you so hard on yourself?”

“What?” she laughs.

“I’m serious. Why so much pressure on yourself?”

“Because I feel like being a woman in racing requires us to have to do better than the majority of the males in the sport, we must prove more to everyone to not be associated with the stigma that blankets the industry,” she takes a breath, “I think woman have to prove themselves as competitors before we are seen as equal in racing.”

“What do you mean?”

She shrugs. “Men like Bud are the problem. We, women, either slept our way up the ladder, or in my case, I’m riding the coattails of my father. Why must everything be related to whether I slept my way into a contract? I’ve worked my entire life to accomplish something on my merits, not anyone else's.”

“I can see that. You have a certain drive and determination about you. I’ve seen the dedication you’ve put in for the fleeting time you’ve been here with us. Keep it up, and don’t let assholes like Bud sway you differently,” I encourage.

“That’s the plan.” She pauses. “Hey, Saint?”


“I’m glad I can trust you.”

“Always and without hesitation,” I reply.