Today promised at least some variety and distraction, because - unlike her last days - it would pass quickly due to the many activities. At noon she had a hairdresser's appointment, in the afternoon she had to try on her festive dress appropriate for the occasion and around 6 pm she had to start moving towards the event arena.

But as much as she was looking forward to the reunion with numerous esteemed colleagues and enthusiastic fans, the reunion with Roswitha was also in her stomach. She knew from the promoter that Roswitha would sit next to her during the show, relatively far in front and in the middle, as she always did, because normally she was one of the main nominees and therefore one of the main characters of the show. This time, unlike in previous years, there would be no performance by her, but thanks to the CD release, she would still be the center of attention.

That was a lot of time she would have to spend and bridge next to Roswitha during a show of about two and a half hours. The thought of it made her shudder. It wasn't Roswitha for whom she had respect, but for the unfamiliar situation - because she didn't know how Roswitha would even approach her and how they would get along, if she would talk to her at all. And all this always under the watchful eyes of the press and the television, which broadcast the show live.


Adolé had left the red carpet behind him in his usual professional and friendly manner. The fans had met her as always friendly. Here and there a short greeting, now and then an autograph, a few selfies and then some press photos and she was already inside the event hall. On the way to her seat she first visited the toilet to check her appearance one last time and then went to the bar just to be prepared for the next hours. The toilet visit had been a bit difficult in her overflowing evening gown, but in the end it could be managed in a fairly mannerly way.

At the bar she had a drink of water and then headed for her seat in the second row of the hall, which holds around 16,000 people. When she reached her seat, she sat down and looked around shyly. The hall was already well filled, which was no wonder, as the show started in just over three quarters of an hour.

Until the beginning of the event, she talked to some colleagues sitting in the rows in front and behind her and then enjoyed the opening of the festivities, which were moderated by various musicians. Contrary to her expectations, she certainly felt well entertained at times.

Only after about half an hour Roswitha finally made her way through the filled second row, greeted her with a nod and took a seat next to her. Without saying another word, they then watched the next award ceremonies and acts together.

When the first opportunity arose, Roswitha turned to Adolé to ask how she was doing. In reply, Adolé merely formulated a brief "according to circumstances, just fine" and was herself astonished at her serene coolness. It was not difficult to notice, but the last few weeks had left a rift between them, a distance they had never known before. Although Adolé was uncomfortable with the realization, she suddenly noticed how strange Roswitha had suddenly become to her.

To distract himself, Adolé continued to concentrate on the show and tried not to think any further about the break that had obviously developed between her manager and her and what consequences it would have to entail sooner or later.

Fortunately the show picked up speed. The appearance of the next artist was already announced. Hastily a grand piano was pushed onto the stage, which was immediately illuminated by a single spot. The whole rest of the stage was dark, the whole hall was silent in anxious expectation of what was going to be performed next.

Adolé's heart almost burst when the presenter formulated his presentation from offstage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud and happy to be able to welcome one of the world's most famous solo artists at the piano today. She is a star of classical music and has now finally turned her attention to light music. Together with Adolé Varell, she has created an unexpected but very artistic and entertaining album, which has reached number 3 in the album charts this week. Please join me in welcoming the French world star on the piano - Michelle Mimieux!!".

The audience gave benevolent applause, but was more reserved than usual. Adolé's heart was almost bursting with excitement. She hadn't counted on this at all. Until now, the Echo Awards had merely been a pleasant distraction from her recently dismal everyday life. That the event now took this surprising turn almost took her breath away. Aware of her public impact, Adolé applauded somewhat more enthusiastically than before - no one who didn't know the details would ever notice that she was torn by her emotions and didn't know about this performance in the slightest.

When the applause had died down, Michelle set to one of the classic piano pieces that were on their joint album. She presented it in a new, pepped up and very rhythmic new style. Adolé again saw, just like in the studio, what a gifted musician Michelle was. It was easy for her to find the right keys and take the whole hall on a musical journey. It was beautiful. Adolé secretly had to congratulate Roswitha once again on her unusual idea - even though she still didn't like to admit it, she had been right in her decision to take a risk and to go completely new ways with this collaboration. It was an offer of peace when Adolé put her hand on Roswitha's arm and said loudly in her ear: "You were right - she is really great!

Roswitha took note of the late confirmation benignly and thanked with a nod. In reply, she leaned in Adolé's direction and replied, "Thank you. I'm glad how everything worked out in the end."

Adolé was pleased to see that the pressure between the three of them had eased noticeably and that a certain basis for communication was emerging. While she was still thinking about it with relief, the play ended and the audience gave an enthusiastic applause. Adolé also applauded politely.

Thinking that the show would now safely continue with the next eulogy, Michelle unexpectedly took the microphone in her hand, rose elegantly from her seat behind the piano in her gorgeous evening gown and addressed the audience directly with her smoky voice and delightful French accent.

"Mes amis. Thanks for welcoming the new album so warmly. It has been released only three weeks ago, and although it follows an unusual concept, you have given it a real chance. From what I have seen and read so far, I can see how much you like it. I am very pleased. And my musical partner, who is right here in front of the audience, likes it too. Thank you very much for that." With the last sentence and a glance at Adolé, she made sure that all the spectators in the hall and all the cameras turned to Adolé at the same time.

Adolé's heart was beating like crazy. What was that? What was she doing? This performance and this speech left her speechless. She never expected any of this. But she was glad to be recognized. Also how the album was received by the public, that it was so well received and spontaneously made it into the Top 5, was a great success. This was not to be expected after all the difficulties and quarrels they had to deal with during the recordings. Secretly, she enjoyed show business as much as she rarely did at that second and was happy about the creativity and the opportunity to create something extraordinary. It was a terrific feeling to meet the taste of the audience before they knew themselves what they liked.

Again a huge applause filled the whole hall. Apparently the audience had taken the French pianist, whom they had only known in another context before, into their hearts. Michelle was still standing with her microphone at the very front of the stage.

She continued with what she had to say. "To be honest, the time spent here in Germany during the recording sessions was not the easiest. It took a long time for us to find each other, to know what we wanted and I realized how important these recordings are for me, for my whole life. Today, as difficult as it was, I wouldn't want to

miss this time any more. It all showed me what is really important in life and also what is worth fighting for."

With these words she went back to her piano, straightened her long evening gown, sat down and put the microphone back into the microphone holder with a muffled sound. Adolé, whose thoughts suddenly no longer revolved around the shared music recordings, but between what she felt for this woman and what was happening here, could not quite follow the whole thing. Questioning, with her mouth open and her eyes wide open, she sat next to Roswitha, stiff as a poker. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that she too had to fight with what was happening on stage.

Although both were well aware of the attention still being paid to them by both the cameras and the local audience, Roswitha slowly bent over to Adolé. Trying to maintain her posture and not be conspicuous to outsiders, she hissed at Adolé, smiling, "Damn! What's she up to?!!" in her ear and looked at her urgently. Adolé, for whom all this was just as surprising, raised both shoulders only briefly and almost imperceptibly and then concentrated again on the events on stage.

Michelle certainly looked into the audience, directly at Adolé, who meanwhile was also illuminated directly with a spotlight for better recognition by the audience. Then she said the following words into the microphone, which shook Adolé to the core: "Adolé, mon Amour, this is just for you!

Adolé received a blow. Her hands clawed into the back of her seat. What was Michelle thinking now at this performance?!! Was she going to embarrass herself beyond recognition?!!!? And not only herself - both of them???!!!! Roswitha would tear them both apart in midair.

Michelle started playing. She elicited tender sounds from the piano, very calmly. Her fingers barely seemed to touch the keys.

Stiff with shock, Adolé heard the first sounds of the piano without having the slightest idea what was happening and what song it was. Her thoughts circled back and forth. What was Michelle up to? She had thought it out beautifully, she was completely at the mercy of this show here in the audience and had to put on a good face.

Adolé's head was working feverishly. She was looking for a way out - for nothing. She was aware of the fact that there was no hope whatsoever that this performance would be cut out afterwards and thus only be seen by the local auditorium - they were in the middle of a live show - without any time delay. The whole of Germany listened to Michelle, what she had to say, without net and double bottom. Had she really called them "Mon Amour" a few moments ago, to indicate how they felt about each other????!!!