After Julius had initially made arrangements to take an interest in them beyond his official "engagement", a serious conversation had taken place, and the separate residential units had played a decisive role in his resignation to simply being a "staffage" and limiting his caresses and declarations of love to the public part of their common existence.

While she continued to get ready for the upcoming show, she shook her head from time to time out of incomprehension for her fake boyfriend. "What is he thinking!?"

The performance itself ran smoothly as always. Playback events were against her and so she insisted since the beginning of her career on singing live whenever possible. Since she was a professional, the craziest locations were no problem for her. Live performances in front of many or few people, in front of other celebrities or "normal people", on sailboats, in stadiums and in small groups on breakfast television at bedtime did not even raise her blood pressure. Appearances at radio stations were just as routine for her today as long awaited premiere appearances for a new album or cosy, intimate performances on talk shows.

What was unusual, however, was the fact that Roswitha called her late at night after her performance. Contrary to her other habits, where she sometimes didn't answer her cell phone because she was too tired and then called back the next day, Adolé answered the call while already in bed.

"Yes?" she tried to appear reasonably pleased.

"Got it!" Roswitha didn't usually spend long on introductions and got straight to the point. "What exactly?" replied Adolé, thunderstruck.

"The idea for your new album!" Roswitha rejoiced at the other end. Adolé could literally hear her smile.

"Well, let's have it!"

"Do you know Michelle Mimieux?"

"Of course. Who doesn't know her. She is THE classical pianist of our time. She is world-famous and always fully booked, but probably as difficult as she is successful. Why?"

Roswitha didn't miss the opportunity to savour this moment to its fullest and took a promising break.

"Because you have the great luck to record your new album together with her. This is what was missing all the time. That certain something. The twist to something new, unusual and unexpected!"

Adolé thought he couldn't hear. "What?!! Where did you get that idea?!?!". She was terrified. She sat up straight and squeezed the words out of her mouth. Her amazement and her unwillingness to believe that Roswitha could actually mean it, could not be overheard. For a short moment she even thought about hanging up. But she knew that this wouldn't stop Roswitha from her plan, as she thought her new idea with this bitchy piano pla

yer was so great.

"It's simple - I've been thinking all along about how we can do something like this famous "unplugged" from MTV for you without it looking cribbed. Unfortunately that doesn't exist anymore. But that was just honest music, simply produced, little junk and stuff. But I didn't want to just copy it and put you in the studio with two guitar guys and a double bass.

But when a distant acquaintance called me today, who also happens to be Michelle's manager, and complained to me of her grief because a long-agreed television format for her protégé failed, it immediately "clicked".

I discussed this with her immediately - she thinks the idea is as great as I do. You both have everything to gain. You are THE superstars in your respective music genres. Together you will be unbeatable," Roswitha rejoiced into the phone.

Adolé still believed the whole thing was a dream. She took a deep, resigned breath.

Half-heartedly she tried to convince Roswitha that this was not possible. "But our music is so different. We don't fit together at all. She has specialized in classical piano pieces, is constantly on the road in world history, plays in the Elbphilharmonie as well as in the Royal Albert Hall in front of the Queen and the whole royal family. How is that supposed to go together with my completely different kind of hit disco music?"

"That's just it," Roswitha casually countered this desperate advance with a smile. "It is precisely because it is so unexpected that it is so brilliant. I mean, who expects you to find each other at all? It is precisely because you are so different that it is so original! But still, this has happened very often in the history of music. Unexpected is good. Almost ingenious! Just think of Metallica playing together with a symphony orchestra. Great!!!! Or Nick Cave with the then still little Australian pop star Kylie Minogue! Who'd expect that? Or Jennifer Hudson and Iggy Azalea with "Trouble"! World class! Or Aerosmith and Run DMC? Or Run DMC with Sarah McLachlan? Or or or or!"

Adolé realized that further resistance was futile. Roswitha had prepared herself well and dispelled each of her objections with a lightness that surprised her even after all these years. She sighed.

Unfortunately she couldn't counter with a better idea. She was just dreading having to spend so much time in the studio with this unknown woman. Her bad reputation preceded her.

...this could be fun.


They all met for the first time together in a public hotel lobby. The hotel was not the kind of hotel Adolé was used to and as she had expected for a first meeting with the icon of classical piano music. All in all, the house made a somewhat rocked impression or as they say nowadays: vintage! - clearly it had its best years already behind it. Nevertheless it radiated a certain charm and the glamour of days gone by.

Quiet, unobtrusive jazz music sounded from discreetly placed loudspeakers as they penetrated further and further into the large and only moderately frequented room. Subdued light illuminated selected corners, green plants provided some cozy flair. Their steps were muted by thick hotel carpets. While Adolé still let her gaze wander in search of something, Roswitha walked purposefully towards a somewhat screened-off seating area at the back of the room.

Michelle Mimieux had tamed her long brown curly hair by tucking it under a rather masculine hat, her gaze being obscured by unusually large and dark sunglasses. She had wrapped herself in a leather jacket, unexpectedly rocky for a classical pianist, and had made herself comfortable in one of the comfortable large leather armchairs of this secluded sitting area. Her hands held her latte macchiato tightly wrapped around it for warmth. Her gaze was focused on her hands. It was still early in the day. Outside, the cool February wind was blowing and whirling as hard as it could. She didn't like the cold season and seemed sleepy accordingly. So the morning already seemed to be not her time.

While Adolé, also public because of her baseball cap and also sunburnt, was hard to recognize, still anxious to appear reasonably friendly, Michelle did not even look up when she arrived.

"Oh, I'm so happy that this actually worked out," Roswitha Michelle's manager said to Roswitha Michelle as they hugged each other warmly. "Well, at least they're having fun," thought Adolé, while she waited for her turn to greet them. Shortly afterwards, Michelle's manager reached out her hand in a friendly manner. "Ella. Pleased to meet you."

Adolé grabbed the ball boldly and squeezed Ella's hand properly. There was nothing she hated more than when you meet someone for the first time and that first impression was dominated by such a lukewarm, meaningless, baggy handshake. She preferred it to be hearty and clear. And so was her first impression of Ella, who she liked quite a bit, but whom she had actually imagined to be quite different. This woman knew what she wanted and could get her hands dirty. "That's nice!" thought Adolé.