"Ew, no dude that's gross and why the hell would I tell you about it, it's my sex life no buzz away from my life and also you know I am still dating Ben"I told Hannah

"No, um have you heard he's dating the new slut" Hannah told me while pointing to a girl wearing a really, really short skirt I had to admit she had nice legs and a nice ass but Mrs.Fianna's was WAY better

"What, no I just broke up with him yesterday and he's with HER" I said to Hannah while getting really pissed

"Yupp, so how's the date gonna go" Hannah said with a wink

"Shut the hell up Hannah' I told her as class was over

*Okay skip to last class with Mrs.Fianna all they did was have regular boring class but Austin and Chad always got in trouble with every single teacher*

Welcome class, how was your day Mrs.Fianna said really chirpy

OKAY the whole class said

"Good, so let's learn about something fun I know your probably thinking how is Math FUN" Mrs.Fianna said and everybody started to laugh, 'Well here's how we are gonna go outside and do what ever you want it's a free day today" Mrs.Fianna said and everybody cheered

"Oh my GOSH this is awesome" I told Hannah

"I know right let's talk girly" Hannah said really happy and jumping up and down

"About what" I told Hannah really confused on what she was talking about

"Well first I have a date tonight ahh and look at the way Mrs.Fianna is looking at you girl she likes you" Hannah said while hitting my arms and showing me Mrs.Fianna smiling towards us

"Oh my gosh who is the lucky guy and no shut up she's my teacher I would NEVER date her so yeah" I told her while hitting her arm hard which knocked her into the hurdles and falling on her ass

"bhahaha are you okay Hannah" I said laughing my ass off

"Yes no thanks to you now help me up you bitch" Hannah said really pissed

* I reached my hand out to pull her up and then she pulled me down with her*

"You dumb ass Hannah why did you do that" I said to her while laughing

"Because you did this to me now you know my pain because my ass is hurting me" Hannah said while hitting me in the ass as I got up

*Skip this to end of the day everybody went in and left school while I was with Mrs.Fianna*

"Hey, so where do you wanna go" I asked Mrs.Fianna

"Uh let's go to Starbucks and get coffee okay I love their coffee" Mrs.Fianna said

"Okay sounds fun", Mrs. Fianna I said to her

"Call me Ashley or Ash outside of school okay Scarrlett and sorry about before when I called you Scar yesterday" She said apologetic

"Don't worry about it" I said as we got into her car

" We are here Mrs.Fianna said waking me up. "You seem tired she said looking at me with that ravishing smile of her's

"Yeah just school wore me out" I said 100% truthful, we sat down when a really cute waiter came up to me and Ashley "Hey, nice to meet you guys how may I take your order" the tall cute muscular guy said with a smile. "Thanks Tracey looks like your my slave tonight"said Ashley with a really evil sneer "Yes I guess I am" Tracey said while laughing. "Tables are turned, now go get Scar and I a menu" Ashley said still with that cute but evil sneer "Do you know him" I said really freaking confused "Yeah he's my stupid ass brother" She said laughing "Oh I see i'm sorry I know how brother's can get really bad and annoying" I said laughing realizing that's why she was so mean to him because he was her brother. "So is that your girlfriend" Tracey said while laughing while handing us the menu *We both got Spaghetti and water were done with the dinner* "That was the best Spaghetti I have ever had" Ashley said "Well I make better Spaghetti then this place" I told her in a cheeky grin "Really, well then show me at my house or your house it's up to you" She said returning the cheeky grin back at me "Um we can go to your house my dad's are drunk and I don't wanna bother them" I finally realize what I just said, Shit I hope she don't ask "Oh, okay well that's cool um yeah we can go to my house" She said *skip car ride* "Here you go" She stepped out and opened the door up for me "Here's my home" she said cherry "Cool" We walked in it was HUGE but pretty have you seen like the Hollywood houses her's is like that " I just wanted you to come to my house so I can do this" She leaned in and kissed me "Um, um I have to go" I said starting to run out I can't like a teacher she's gonna loose her job and I have been hurt by girls I don't want it to happen again "Wait" She pulled me close and said " Don't worry what people say I like you and if you give me the chance I can show you" She said "But, I don't know" I said really nervous "Would this change your mind" She kissed me and started to put her hand down my pants "A- Ash ....

Sorry I don't know how to make it look like a book can anyone help me please?


Chapter 4