Ever since Ainsley—the Blonde Vanessa—moved to Carlsbad, local lesbians have been hoping Carlsbad would one day get a Redheaded Vanessa. It was turning into a matter of civic pride for the gay women of this town—the idea of their relatively small municipality being home to what was being called the Lesbian Holy Trinity. There were even Twitter and Facebook hashtags women used to report sightings, and Krissy followed them.

Becca groaned.

“Her name is Ariel,” Becca said.

Krissy rolled her eyes. This whole #FindTheRedheadedVanessa thing might still be fun if she and Becca hadn’t already found her and the bitch had flirted with Becca.

And Ariel…what a stupid name.

“So where was she spotted now?” Becca asked.

“On State Street,” Krissy answered, reading the post. “Looking in one of the vacant storefronts.”

Becca shook her head.

“Why do the women in this town care about something so dumb?”

“What else are the lesbians in Carlsbad going to do between seasons of The L Word? Besides, I happen to think these sightings are a kind of public service announcement.”

Becca put down her iPad and looked at Krissy.

“I know I’m going to regret this,” she began, “but what the fuck are you talking about?”

Krissy looked at Becca as if she was crazy.

“There is a Redheaded Vanessa—”

“Who’s name is still Ariel…”

“Stupid name! Anyway…there is a Redheaded Vanessa walking around Carlsbad, being all single and unattached!” She waggled her iPad. “These sighting reports are warnings to the gay women in this town to lockdown their women and keep them safe.”

“Ariel happens to be very sweet,” Becca said with a sigh. “And your theory is dumb. The gay women in this town are all horny and they just want someone new to fantasize about when they get bored of fantasizing about Vanessa and Ainsley. Or Vanessa with Ainsley.” Becca turned her body to face Krissy more. “So, I have a confession,” she said.

Krissy’s eyes widened and she felt her blood pressure go up.

“Did you fucking sleep with the Redheaded Vanessa?” she asked, practically screeching.

“What? No! But a couple of days before we first got together, I went on a date with a friend of mine named Fiona.”

A-ha! So that’s who the “old friend” was!

“Did you sleep with Fiona?” Krissy asked. Oddly, she wasn’t at all jealous. Of course, that was probably because she had no idea what Fiona looked like. For all she knew, Fiona could be the Pink-Haired Vanessa. She decided she’d rather not find out.

“No,” Becca said. “But I only went out with her because I was hoping it would take my mind off of you.”

Krissy blinked.

“Really?” she asked.

Becca nodded.

“Yeah, I was going pretty crazy there at the end, sweetie,” she said. “If I wasn’t going to be able to have you, I needed someone to help me get over you.”

Krissy’s heart melted.

“Oh my god, baby!” She dropped her iPad onto the mattress, grabbed Becca’s head and kissed her deeply. Still kissing, they both slid down on the mattress until they were lying side by side.

“The problem is,” Becca said when the kiss ended, “that it wouldn’t have worked.” She reached up and stroked Krissy’s cheek. “I wouldn’t have ever gotten over you, Krissy.”