“Well,” Krissy said, “Becca is, like, ten-feet tall, and I just got laid, so…”

Becca felt her face flushing hotly.

“Oh, is that your secret?” Amber asked, laughing.

Krissy nodded and looped her arm through Becca’s.

“Yep,” she said. “With this one in my bed, I expect to be in the Olympics soon.”

“Oh my god, you are so stupid!” Becca lamented, laughing. She knew Krissy was just being silly, but that she was also marking her territory for Amber’s sake.

“Listen,” Vanessa said, “Megan and I are having a get-together on Saturday night. Just some select friends for a chill time at our house. Can you two come?”

Becca could feel Krissy tighten her grip on her with excitement. Their entrée into the Carlsbad Royal Lesbian Court looked to be official now.

“We’ll definitely be there,” Krissy said. “Becca has that day off.”

“You actually know that?” Becca asked.

Krissy scoffed.

“As of nine days ago, I have your schedule memorized for the rest of the year, baby.”

“You two are just so cute together,” Vanessa said. “I was hoping you’d end up a couple.”

Again Becca felt Krissy’s grip tighten. Not only did Vanessa just invite them to her house, but they had also apparently been on Vanessa’s radar. As silly as it was, Becca couldn’t help but feel a little flattered. She knew, however, that Krissy was probably on the verge of an orgasm.


A few hours later, Becca was living her fantasy.

Krissy was tied up on her bed, her arms bound to her sides, the pink silk bondage rope wrapped several times around her midsection. Krissy’s lower legs were tied to the back of her thighs with elaborate knots Becca—who knew all about knots as a firefighter—had mastered a long time ago. Furthermore, each of Krissy’s legs were then tied by a line to each of the two posts at the foot of Becca’s bed, keeping them spread open, ensuring Becc

a had unfettered access to the glistening pinkness between them.

It had taken a while to prepare all this, but that was part of the fun. By the time she had finished, Krissy’s opening was positively leaking with anticipation and her clit was as swollen as Becca had ever seen it. Her own center was a pulsing, fluttering, wet mess inside her panties.

Becca hadn’t been lying when she had told Krissy that upon first meeting her, she had fantasized about having Krissy tied to her bed while she ate her out for as long as she wanted. It was her absolute favorite thing to do to a woman. The warmth and wetness of an excited pussy against her mouth was something Becca always hungered for. Toys were fine. Fingers were fine also, but above all else, Becca loved pleasuring a woman with her mouth, and now, four years of fantasizing were coming true. She was going to make herself comfortable on the floor at the foot of her bed and overindulge in Krissy.

After sitting cross-legged on a large cushion, she brought her face close to her target and just flared her nostrils, taking in Krissy’s scent.

“Oh fuck,” Krissy said. “I’m about to come!”

Becca’s eyebrows shot up.

“I haven’t even touched you yet, sweetie!” she said.

“I know, but this happens when I’m really turned on, baby!”

“Is that right?” Becca asked, getting more turned on herself by this admission. “So…if I just keep my face hovering close to your pussy, that will set you off?”

Becca then did just that, bringing her face super close to the glistening folds again, but not making contact. She did, however, make sure that the breath coming from her nostrils fell onto Krissy’s wetness.

“My fucking god!” Krissy moaned. “Yes, that will set me off!”

“And if I tell you how good you smell and how wet I am…”
