“Very much so, Chief Roberts.”

“Well, we spent four years building a strong, loving friendship based on trust and mutual respect and admiration, right?”

“We did,” Krissy confirmed.

Becca sat up and, quick as a flash, removed her top, baring her breasts. Lying back down, she pulled Krissy on top of her.

“In that case,” she said, “I have absolutely no problem with the next four years being primarily about sex.”

“I love the way you think,” Krissy said.

“Therefore, I repeat my question,” Becca stated. “What are you going to do with your girl now that you have her?”

Krissy discerned that there was only one answer to that question when Becca placed her hands on her shoulders and gently began pushing her downward, spreading her legs as she did so.

Chapter 27

“Oh my gawwwd,” Charlotte said in faux disgusted tone on Sunday. “You two are such a couple now!”

Charlotte, a San Diego pediatrician with mousy brown hair, was observing Becca and Krissy walking from Krissy’s parked Mercedes towards the entrance to the volleyball club in Solana Beach. They were holding hands and probably had a bit of a glow about them, Becca considered. They had spent the morning having sex. This meant Krissy was probably going to play superbly, but Becca was worried she was going to suck. Her muscles felt a little depleted. Krissy had managed to pull a couple of really hard-hitting orgasms out of her this morning, even before they had breakfast.

“Yes, we’re such a couple now!” Becca told Charlotte, sticking out her tongue for good measure.

Standing on the curb near the entrance, Charlotte rolled her eyes.

“God, pretty soon everybody in our little gang is going to be paired up,” she said. “First it was Ainsley and Rachel; now it’s you two. Who’s next?”

“Well, you’re single now,” Becca pointed out. Charlotte had recently gotten divorced from her wife.

Shaking her head, Charlotte said, “No way, no way. Now that I am a free wom

an, I am going to start whoring my way up the California coastline, into Oregon, then Washington and eventually into Canada. And if there are any lesbian Eskimos, I am going to find them. Anyway, forget about that…Who’s this new person you invited to play with us? I’m not part of the super-cool Carlsbad lesbians and I’m wondering why everybody you sent that group text to is losing their minds.”

“Vanessa,” Krissy answered.

“She’s the Brunette Ainsley,” Becca added. “But Ainsley is actually known as the Blonde Vanessa.”

Charlotte rolled her eyes.

“So, in other words,” she began, “so not my type.”

Becca had to admit Charlotte had a point. Charlotte was drawn more to the butches, rather than the lipstick lesbians. Was it possible that Charlotte was one of the few women who would be immune to the Vanessa Effect?

Becca, hearing another vehicle pull into the parking lot, turned.

“Well, you’re about to find out if she’s your type or not,” she said to Charlotte. “Because she’s here.”

The vehicle was a Jeep, very similar to the one she drove, and its top had been removed because, well, it was Southern California and the weather was gorgeous. Vanessa was driving it, with Amber next to her. In the back seat were Ainsley and Rachel.

“Aargh!” Krissy muttered. “Line jumpers!”

Becca laughed and drew Krissy close to her.

“Relax, sweetie,” she said. “Remember, we’re also members of the Court now and we also have three degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.”

“What the fuck are you guys talking about?” Charlotte demanded, looking at them both as if they had lost their minds.

Becca waved her off.