Becca knew what was about to happen.

“Ross!” she called as she lunged forward, grabbing hold of Ross’s left wrist just as the section of roof Ross was on disappeared from underneath her!

With a scream, Ross dropped into thin air, but Becca had a death grip on the woman’s wrist and was keeping her from falling.

Shit! We’re about to die!

The building was falling apart beneath them. Becca may have saved Ross at this moment, but this whole goddamn structure was sure to collapse, taking them with it. Becca squeezed her eyes shut and told herself to focus. At this particular moment, they were still alive. More importantly, she was the only thing keeping Ross from falling to her death. And it was all she could do to maintain her grip on the firefighter. Perhaps naked, Ross weighed very little. But with all of her gear on, Ross was fucking heavy!

Opening her eyes, grunting with the effort of not letting Ross fall, Becca managed to get her other hand over the edge of the chasm.

“Give me your hand!” she barked.

Grunting, Ross swung her right arm up but Becca missed it. The firefighter tried again. The action of doing so made Ross’s helmet fall off. Becca watched it tumble to the earth.

Fuck, that’s a long way down!

But this time, Becca caught the hand. Straining and groaning with the effort, Becca tried to shimmy backwards on her belly. Fortunately, though…


The other firefighters, the ones who had boarded the chopper just before the explosion, were suddenly at her side, also on their bellies. Two of them, on either side of her, also reached down to grab whatever parts of Ross they could, while Becca felt the other two grab hold of her legs and begin pulling her backwards.

Eventually, Ross was pulled up onto a solid surface again. But Becca knew it wasn’t going to stay solid for long.

“We gotta get the hell outta here!” she shouted.

With the shaken Ross being half-dragged/half-carried to the chopper, Becca made sure her crew all boarded before her and then she stepped on herself.

Chapter 2

Krissy’s heart and clit were both pounding at the bounty laid out before her on Saturday morning.

There on her bed, were two of the sexiest flight attendants to ever grace the skies.

Maya on the left, Anna on the right. Both on their backs with their knees up, their feet flat on the California King-sized mattress, legs spread open, their pussies on full display, available for Krissy yet again to enjoy.

They had two hours to play before Maya and Anna had to leave to get up to Irvine to catch their next flight out of John Wayne International Airport, and Krissy intended on using up every minute of those two hours in the most delightful manner possible.

The two women on her bed were kissing each other, moaning softly while doing so. Maya’s hand was on the back of Anna’s neck, holding the dark-haired lovely’s face tight against her own. Anna’s hand was kneading Maya’s large breast, her thumb and forefinger rolling Maya’s nipple.

Krissy started with Maya.

Last night she had started with Anna, who was new to her. Ever since she was sixteen, Krissy had always loved that moment of tasting a new woman, discovering her special flavor; and so, last night, it had been Anna she had gone down on first, kneeling on the floor at the edge of her mattress while Maya was lying down on the floor beneath her, licking Krissy’s pussy as Krissy sat on her face.

Maya she’d had sex with plenty of times, ever since they met on a New York-to-San Diego flight a year ago, when Krissy was returning from a business trip. Whenever Maya found herself back in California, she’d give Krissy a call and if they were both up for it, they got together. No strings attached, no expectations, no hard feelings if for some reason it couldn’t happen.

Well, last night it could happen. What’s more, Maya had brought a friend! Another flight attendant. They’d all met for drinks and even before their first round of cocktails had arrived it was pretty clear Krissy was going to have two overnight guests.

Now, she used the flat of her tongue to lick the length of Maya’s glistening folds, earning a gasp of pleasure from the blonde and earning Krissy a delicious taste of Maya’s arousal.

She then wrapped her lips around the engorged clit and circled it with her tongue.

“Oh fuck!” Maya uttered, starting to rock her hips. Krissy kept the clit captured in her lips for just a few seconds more before releasing it, wanting to keep Maya on the cliff’s edge just a bit longer.

She then shifted her head over to Anna’s waiting pussy. The woman was positively leaking a stream of her clear essence and after Krissy moved a few locks of her own auburn hair out of the way, she poked her tongue into Anna’s opening, moaning at this different flavor

, loving how Anna started rocking her hips, rubbing her pussy against Krissy’s face. While Krissy continued tongue-fucking her, she reached over and easily slid three fingers into Maya’s sex, the passage opening to accommodate them and shape itself around them.