“Pull up a chair,” Vanessa told her. Once Amber had done so, Vanessa repeated what Becca and Krissy had told her about the volleyball gang.

“Awesome!” Amber said, clapping her hands. “I used to play in high school.”

“The more the merrier,” Krissy told her.

“What about Megan? Would she want to join us also?” Becca asked, referring to Vanessa’s fiancée.

Vanessa laughed.

“I love Megan more than my next breath, and she totally looks like she’s an athlete, but she’s definitely not.”

“Gotcha,” Becca said.

“But I have her blessing to play with Amber. We just didn’t know how to find others to play with.”

“Definitely play with us,” Becca told her.

“Definitely,” Krissy agreed.

“Do you think your other friends would mind?” Vanessa asked.

Becca almost laughed. Mind? Their other friends would probably buy her and Krissy drinks for a solid month just for getting the Vanessa to join their little club. Anya lived in Del Mar and yet she still drove to Carlsbad to get her coffee at La Vida Mocha, just so she could see Vanessa, claiming it always made her day brighter when she heard Vanessa greet her by name.

“Nope!” Becca answered.

“Nope!” Krissy agreed.

“Are you playing this coming Sunday?”

They assured her they were.

“Thank you so much!” Vanessa said. She then took out her phone, asked for both of their numbers and then sent them texts so they had her number as well. “Text me the details about Sunday,” she said. Getting up from her seat, she winked at Becca. “Now I get to tell everybody I’m volleyball buds with Lesbian Wonder Woman.”

Becca laughed like a silly schoolgirl.

“Oh, that’s right!” Amber added, laughing. “Gee, I’ve never been on a team with a real-life hero before.”

When Vanessa and Amber were far enough way, Becca leaned closer to Krissy.

“Do you think Vanessa is any good at volleyball?”

Krissy scoffed.

“Who. The. Fuck. Cares?” she enunciated slowly. “We all suck anyway! Well, except Rachel. And you—most of the time. And me, after I’ve gotten laid. The important thing is, we are in Vanessa’s inner circle now! We have her phone number! We’re, like, part of the Carlsbad Royal Lesbian Court! Ainsley is part of the Court! She and Vanessa are, like, buddies, now! Do you know what that means?”

Becca shook her head.

“It means,” Krissy went on, “that Rachel is part of the Court also! Do you understand how unfair that is?”

“Apparently, I do not,” Becca said.

Krissy held up one finger. “First of all, Ainsley just moved to Carlsbad and has been coming to La Vida Mocha for far less time than we have.” She held up another finger. “Second of all, Rachel has only been a lesbian for, like, five minutes! And they’re both in the Carlsbad Royal Lesbian Court! They both skipped ahead of the line!”

Becca nodded. Ainsley and Rachel did skip the queue, now that Krissy mentioned it. Totally unfair.

Another thought came to her.

“You know how Ainsley is friends with Jillian Ashley?” she asked.