“Apparently,” Becca answered. “And in a church, no less. I’ll have to discuss that with her. But I don’t think Mom fully understands the lesbian order of things.”

“Right,” Krissy agreed, nodding. “I mean, first we have to U-Haul…”

“Which we’re already behind in doing,” Becca said. “I mean, we’ve been a couple since Friday, and it’s Tuesday.”

“Shit!” Krissy exclaimed, faking being annoyed. “What the hell are we waiting for?”

“A sale at Home Depot?” Becca offered.

Krissy scoffed.

“That’s all on you, baby,” she said. “I don’t even know where a Home Depot is in this town.”

Becca stared at her.

“There’s one on Vista Way, just off the 78!”

“If you say so,” Krissy said. “Didn’t realize you were so butch.”

Becca laughed.

“It has nothing to do with being butch! Every woman should know how to do simple home repairs.”

“You mean like the leaky faucet in my guest bathroom?” Krissy asked.

“Which is so easy to fix!” Becca said.

“And you can fix it, after you’ve U-Hauled this afternoon, since we’re already late doing that.”

“Deal,” Becca said.

Just then, Vanessa, the owner of La Vida Mocha approached their table. Raven-haired and unbelievably gorgeous, Becca instinctively sat up a little straighter, projecting her boobs out. It was just something one naturally did when Vanessa was near. Krissy was doing the same thing, and she was twirling a stray lock of her hair as she smiled up goofily at the woman. It didn’t help that Vanessa was displaying her toned midriff by wearing a crop top and her perfectly sculpted legs and ass by wearing yoga shorts.

“Hey, am I interrupting?” Vanessa asked.

“Nope!” Becca answered.

“Nope!” Krissy agreed, still twirling.

“Mind if I join you real quick?” Vanessa then asked.

Vanessa never asked to join them!

The table next to them was empty and Becca quickly reached over to slide one of its unused chairs over to their table.

“Thanks,” Vanessa said, flashing a smile that could stop traffic. She sat down. “A little birdy named Ainsley told me that you guys play volleyball every Sunday?”

Becca nodded and then told Vanessa about the volleyball club with private sand courts in Solana Beach. Krissy—obviously not wanting Becca to be monopolizing this rare private audience with Vanessa—then told the coffee shop owner about the casual, not-super-competitive nature of their weekly games.

“That sounds amazing!” Vanessa said. “The reason why I’m asking is because I’ve been wanting to get back into the game and, as it turns out, Amber plays also.”

Vanessa turned around in her seat.

“Amber,” she called out, “let Karina take over and come join us.”

The pretty young barista who was now a fixture at La Vida Mocha, came around the counter. She couldn’t be more than twenty-one, Becca figured, and was Krissy’s height. She definitely looked like a volleyball player, having a long and lean figure, which, as it did for Krissy, made her seem taller.

“Hey!” she said, giving them all a stunning smile.