When she got what she wanted from the panties, she pulled them off Becca and stuffed them between her legs, holding them against her own pussy with her thighs as she finally brought her mouth to Becca’s folds.

The tang and sweetness of Becca’s sex made her moan some more. She started by treating Becca’s clit to alternating kisses and sucks, loving the noises Becca was making in response. Then, using the flat of her tongue, she began at Becca’s leaking opening and slowly licked up and then back down. Up…and then back down. Becca’s pelvis began quivering and Krissy wrapped both her arms over Becca’s waist to steady her.

She bit Becca’s shaved mound, then did it again when Becca told her to. Now the bare flesh bore two sets of reddish-pink teeth marks.

Time to get serious…

Krissy lowered her face and began teasing Becca’s opening with just the tip of her tongue.

“Ask nicely,” she said.

“Oh, please! Fuck! Krissy, please!”

“Nicer than that,” Krissy instructed, going back to circling Becca’s opening.

“Fuck!...Please!...Krissy!...I’m begging you! Get your tongue inside me!”

“What do I get in return?”

“Anything! I swear to god…anything!”

“I want you to fuck me all night.”

Krissy wanted to be taken to the point of tapping out, of not being able to endure anymore. She didn’t care if they kept at it until sunrise. She didn’t care if she needed to take tomorrow off due to exhaustion. She had a box full of recently-cleaned toys and the sexiest woman alive was in her bed. She wanted a marathon. She wanted to make up time.

“I promise I’ll fuck you all night!” Becca insisted. “I’m going to make you scream and pass out.”

“Oh fuck!”

Krissy dove in.

Becca called out her name in a shout that rang off the walls when Krissy slid her tongue inside.

She had been blessed with a long tongue, as if it had been pre-ordained by the goddesses, even long before her conception, that the girl-child of Arthur and Felicia Kincaid would be born to pleasure women.

“Mmmmm…” she moaned, her mouth against Becca’s pussy. Inside her girlfriend’s passage was nothing but creamy liquid bathing her tongue. The tastes were incredible and as her tongue scooped the lubrication up, she swallowed it and each swallow made her clit vibrate even stronger.

Extending her tongue to its maximum, Krissy used its tip to stroke the top wall of Becca’s passage.

“Oh SHIT! Krissy!....Fucking HELL!”

Krissy was full of power now. It turned her on immensely that no woman had ever licked Becca like this because very few women were as equipped as she was, meaning those other women were inadequate, because Becca was meant to be hers.

She kept at it, stroking that wall, knowing she had to be near Becca’s g-spot. Krissy had to tighten her arms’ grip on Becca’s waist because Becca was unable to keep still and Krissy knew if she let go, she’d lose control of the woman.

She stopped her stroking and began her swirling now. Becca screeched in delight. Krissy tasted the sharper-flavored come from deep inside her woman and she moaned when it lan

ded on her tongue.

Back to stroking Becca’s top wall, but this time, she used more pressure with the tip of her tongue.

She heard Becca take in a deep breath. Inside, her tongue felt Becca’s walls begin quaking.

And then Becca exploded.


Becca not only came, she ejaculated. Suddenly, Krissy’s mouth was being sprayed with Becca’s pleasure and it was all Krissy could do to keep Becca’s bucking under control while she drank from the flooded passage and continued working her tongue inside while the orgasm took over Becca completely.