“Mm, she always does when she gets laid.”

“That’s exactly what we said!” Ainsley leaned closer to her friend. “Soooooo…there was laying?”

Laughing, Becca said, “Oh my god, you’re silly!” She took another sip from her drink. “But, yes, there was laying. Lots and lots of laying.”

“Oh my god!” Ainsley squealed, grabbing Becca’s arm. “No wonder she played so well! Was it weird?”

“Weird? Weird how?”

“Because you two are such close friends!”

Becca smiled.

“Trust me, it wasn’t weird,” she replied. “It was…” She had to stop and consider how to describe it. “Hot. Natural. Instinctual. Even emotional.”

“Emotional?” Ainsley asked.

“That first time together, we cried,” Becca told her, not at all feeling embarrassed to admit it. Of all her friends, Ainsley would be the one most likely to understand. “We were both so relieved to finally be together.” She shrugged. “We cried.”

Ainsley suddenly picked up a napkin and started dabbing at her eyes.

“God damn it, you’re going to start making me cry now!” She sniffled. “Rachel and I have never cried during sex, but I’ve cried by myself at times just because I can’t believe how lucky I was to find her.”

“You and her are amazing,” Becca said.

“We are,” Ainsley agreed. “And it’s about time you and Krissy hooked up. Everybody’s been expecting it.”

Becca blinked.

This was news to her. Not one person had said anything to her about expecting she and Krissy to end up together.

Ainsley, apparently reading the confusion on Becca’s face, gave her an incredulous look.

“Oh, come on, Becs!” she said. “After the very first time Rachel played volleyball with us all, even she asked me if there was something going on with you and Krissy!”

Becca felt her face turning as red as a fire engine.

“Was it that obvious?” she asked, wincing.

Ainsley placed her hand on top of Becca’s and looked at her with sympathy.

“Whatever you and Krissy do,” she began, “do not ever try to become professional poker players, because you two would lose your shirts.”

Becca rolled her eyes.

“So, you were the one Krissy was waiting for,” Ainsley said. “All of that ‘I like being single’ stuff she was always spouting was just because she didn’t think you were interested, or what?”

Becca smiled. She gave Ainsley a recap of the conversation she’d had with Krissy on their first official date, about both of them thinking the other was unobtainable. When she was done, Ainsley started fluttering her hands in excitement.

“Oh my god, it’s just like Crossing the Verrazzano!” she exclaimed, referencing a lesfic book by Becca’s favorite writer, Jillian Ashley. “The two women start off as good friends, each of them secretly pining for the other, each of them believing the other is unobtainable.”

Becca laughed. She knew the book very well, having read it three times.

“Yeah, it is,” she agreed. “Except there’s very little chance Krissy and I will ever have sex in the New York City subway during a blackout.”


The text message came at a little past four p.m.