
Even though the serve came from Ainsley, for Krissy, it was as if the ball was moving in slow-motion. She knelt on the warm sand in the perfect position to dig the ball, passing it to Rachel who then laid up a perfect set for Anya. But somehow, Anya’s feet got tangled together and she stumbled on her way to the net to attempt a kill shot. Krissy, already back on her feet, saw the danger immediately. Rachel was too far from the play to perform one of her miracles and so it was up to Krissy to reach up and smack the ball back over the net. Somehow, it made it past Angela and Lucinda who had positioned themselves for the block. Probably because those two were expecting a bullet-like spike, they were caught off-guard by Krissy’s much softer volley over the net. The other women on the opposing team were also caught flat-footed and even though Wendy made an attempt at getting to Krissy’s shot, she was too late.

The set was won.

“Nice!” Rachel congratulated Krissy, giving her a hug.

“Sorry,” Anya, a statuesque brunette with a Russian accent said. “I don’t know what happened. Thanks for saving my ass!” She also gave Krissy a hug.

“Someone got laid!” Lucinda said, ducking under the net with the others from her team to congratulate the winners.

“What are you talking about?” Krissy asked, blushing, while the others laughed.

“You always play better after you’ve scored,” Anya told her.

“Yeah,” Ainsley added. “Too much pent-up sexual energy in that little body of yours and you shank every pass you try.”

“I do not!” Krissy said in indignation.

Ainsley put her arm around her.

“You just think about it,” she advised. “You’ll see we’re right.”

“Whatever!” Krissy said.

“Who was it?” Lucinda asked. “Wait…let me guess…that cute waitress from the restaurant the other night?”

“Mm…no, I doubt it,” Anya said. “I didn’t notice Krissy putting the moves on her.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Ainsley said. “But the bartender was cute too.”

Krissy rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, but I didn’t see Krissy talking to her either,” Anya pointed out.

“Ladies, ladies,” Charlotte began, “this is Krissy we’re talking about here! The woman, the myth, the legend! Krissy do

esn’t need to talk to a woman to get her in bed; all she needs is a sly come-hither look.”

“That’s true,” Ainsley admitted. “Too bad Becca is at work today. She would know.”

At that, Krissy started laughing.

“Yeah, you’re right,” she said. “Becca would know.”

She shared a look with Rachel.

Rachel, a look of wonder on her face, quirked an eyebrow, silently asking, Really?

Krissy quirked her eyebrow back in answer. Yep!

“Anyway, congrats on getting some last night, Krissy,” Lucinda said. “That was a great play, even though it made us lose. Now, can we all please head to the bar?”

Shouts of agreement came from ten different women and they all started heading towards the locker room.

Rachel took hold of Krissy’s arm and held her back.

“Seriously?” she asked.